Well-Known Member
Hey guys, haven't been out in a while, other than a quick outing on the ice, didn't think i'd be going this weekend but the chance came up and I took it right away, without further notice, id be heading north for a day of what my bud said "great bow fishing", with the cold temps and it being mid December, i doubted my chances but thought that maybe id get lucky and land myself a bow or maybe even two! Well good thing I packed the cooler because between the 4 of us, (my dad, me and a couple buds), we had a limit within a couple hours. I should add that the day did start of slow, lots of people and my friends were set up in the wrong spot when I met them. However 20 minutes later i went for a walk and noticed a couple guys getting fish every now and then, I watched for a few minutes, how exactly they were fishing and realized that we'd have to change spots and make our bait depth waaaaay higher. As soon as I set up there, I lost a fish, shortly after got one and then it started! Fish after fish after fish, I lost count after 30 but we weren't the only guys slamming them, of course we were still doing better than most others. The MNR came and caught a few guys, trying to smuggle a few bows in the snow and some guys trying to cook and eat the fish and get more, they stayed for the whole time I was there too, so it was good to see them out and patrolling, checking garbage bins, snow piles, had a dog sniffing around with them as well. I chatted with them for a few minutes, then continued to slam bows, I lost a few monsters, that my 3 lb line just couldn't handle, (ran out of line), according to the officers, we had some of the biggest fish they saw that day so it was good, of course we could've taken bigger ones but who knew fishing would be this good, so I continued to catch and release for the rest of the day, great time out with a couple friends and my dad, days like this, is what makes it all worth it, the research, the skunks, the burn gas, but in the end, I got out with a few people close to me and got a ton of fish!