yeah dugger the water color is pretty cool somtimes down in the far southwest :lol:Dugger said:whoa nelly! look at you and your aqua marine blue waters!!!!!!
oh the southern tip of Canada!
:shock: :lol: yeah not sure what's up with thatNADO said:Is that an inflamed anus I see? lol
Dude the inflamed anus is classic! It comes around every year!Dugger said:didn't we do the whole "inflammed anus" thingy last year? :shock: :lol:
:lol:Catfish said:Chris Im jealous man!
yeah ha94hamiltonangler94 said:Nice! That's a solid smallmouth!
yeah threeparrots that **** was whipping up big black dust clouds the other day from the wind, not sure but they did get rid of some of it but it's not completely gone as they keep saying it will be in the news and media.I remember back in the winter taking a walk along the waterfront and seeing piles with snow on them across the river and wondering what the $^&*@ is that stuff.Got the old sun shades on when fishing so they will block some of it if it heads my way.threeparrots said:FISHCHRIS keep that PETCOKE out of your eyes!