brown trout nov 08 bluffers

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Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2008
nov 08 beautiful 15c sunny clear skies
fished ashbridges 4:30am until 8:30am
fished bluffers park 1pm until 5pm
only the 2nd time in my life fishing at bluffers (that was march 26 2009) it was colder and last time kearney hooked himself and we both got skunked
action was light at ashbridges
bluffers was incredible
i caught a brown trout
i lost a couple browns
i had close in follows (3feet from shore)that i messed up 7 or 8 times for browns and 4 times for salmon
i had many countless follows and nudges
browns many of them repeatedly jumped out of the water in front of me like way over 70 times
a few salmon jumped too
i was blown away
i used 17 differnt lures
the best effect was vibration and rattle
i would kept fishing but i fell early in the day and was really sore
i also had to walk out of bluffers to kingston road to the ttc and my leg was already hurting me.
can i tell you ....i love fishing.... :evil:


yes i love fish so much i put them back eggs and all

she is gonna go lay those eggs so we can catch her offspring in a few years

this was the lure that she ate up but they were impressed with others i just do not have good presentation skills
nice brown tangledline, looks like you caught a lot of species this year so far. so whats next, a pin setup ? :evil:
nice fish...
too bad about the fungus on it's head. doesn't look too healthy.
I thought it was just maybe some bird feathers that stuck while it was on land. But since it didn't come off when it's swimming away in the water, I'm confident it's a fungus-like growth.
Thanks for the great report. Surprised to see the salmon are still swimming around down there. Did you see a lot?
wow... i was there today and nuuuuthing. I was there around 9am till 1pm. Not even a bite. I tried multiple different spots, and various different bait. and nuthin... i got skunked
thanks for the replies
sorry i spent all day at work today...arhhhhh

mykester...ttc - i took bus along kingston road and walked down at brimley road
you can get busses out of victoria park station or kennedy station down to kingston and brimley

dispatcher...yes catch and release gives our fishing a chance at a future.

frozenfire...yeah the trout did have slime of some sort on its head but i do not wipe debris off the fish
cause i do not want to remove more protective slime barriers from the fish than i have to by
handling them to remove hook and photograph...yeah it did not make the fish look pretty but
the fish fought real hard so i believe it was healthy enough to spawn...which takes alot of energy
resources from the fishes metabolism.

efka...a pin would be so sweet...but my tag is tangled line pin maybe difficult for me..lots of line flying in the air ...lure presentation is not my strength ...finding fish and choosing the right lure for the situation is...but that said i need to imrove my game at my weak points if i am gonna catch fish with more consistancy....i crossed paths with 80 plus fish and only successfully landed one...i would like the odds to be more like 1 fish landed for every 10 that come across my lures :evil:

jet...saw 30+ salmon in the south corner of the harbour at the east yaht club gate at the bridge with the deeper pools....i did not fish there (too crowded) but came across more than 10 salmon further east around the bend.

erey...sorry you got skunked...i almost did...but the # of opportunities were too abundant. i was the only one catching and the one getting all the action...i travelled along the eastern harbour channel near the beach areas
i picked paths in the bottom of the channels that i figured the trout or salmon would travel on like roads and hammered those roads with countless casts.the weather may have been a factor...sunday the high pressure first moved in and changed so much from the previous low that it triggered the activity level of the fish...but by monday the effect had worn off or stabilized its effect on the fishes behavior...or they were so worn out monday cause they played so hard with me on sunday :) ...all the jumping they did...brown trout do not regularly jump as much as they were.

i respect your gentleness with the fish tho.

(btw trout opener u can sell that roe for about 30-40 bucks a pop)
There is nothing like Brown Trout roe for the steelies....But..I would be VERY careful who I try selling the roe might put an quick end to a good day fishing.
tangledline said:
a pin would be so sweet...but my tag is tangled line pin maybe difficult for me..lots of line flying in the air ...lure presentation is not my strength ...finding fish and choosing the right lure for the situation is...but that said i need to imrove my game at my weak points if i am gonna catch fish with more consistancy....i crossed paths with 80 plus fish and only successfully landed one...i would like the odds to be more like 1 fish landed for every 10 that come across my lures :evil:

its not as complicated as it looks, i dont think i get more tangles than when im using spinning gear. but anyway you can do just fine with long rod and a spinning reel.
im sure with all you dedication to fishing it will take little time to connect with some river fish.
oh and presentation ... cant be more easier, cast pink worm, some flies or jigs and watch the float go downstream.
only when using roe you need to match the bottom current.
Hey Tangledline, nice @#%$ing fish buddy, man oh man I wish I was there, and countless other times this fall you've gotten out without me. Aaaarrrggghh the itch is overwhelming...I can't wait to do some fishing soon...hey I finish school on the 14'th what say we go somewhere on the 15'th, haha, seriously thought. I am in!
again sweet ass fish, and I will talk to you soon....P.S. Hello everyone on OFF, man I miss posting here, a good group of anglers, all of you, well except maybe tangledline...and just kidding, great one and all.
See ya all real soon

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