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My convert program verifies this. lol

I think he's implying the right thing, I might be reading into his response too much. I see people using the linear conversion (with accurate intention) and forgetting to do the conversion to area before proceeding.

I set your first two examples to my university interns and 2 of 3 got it wrong. I didn't give them answer for fear I was wrong LOL
Oh goodness dozer, what have you gotten yourself into! :lol:

P.S. please don't ask me those questions, it will take me a couple of weeks to figure them out
No offense but you gotta check your conversions unless I'm reading your implication wrong - if so carry on. You took square KMs and converted to linear meters.

1KM square is 1,000,000 meters square.

i.e. 1000 meters x 1000 meters = 1,000,000 meters square.

Oh s**t look at that, thank you for catching that.
My bad dozer, as Klamp said i did mess up there....

so 1 km squared = 1000m x 1000m = 1000000 m squared

carrying this RIGHT WAY on throughout the question would lead to

4 km squared = 4000000 m squared of area.
then we would just do the rest of the question using this value rather than 4000m squared

4000000 m squared x 0.023m = 92000 m^3 of water

1000 L/m^3 x 92000 m^3 of water = 92000000 L

The rest of the answers should be correct after that

The procedure i followed through the first time doing 4 km^2 = 4000 m^2 is wrong, I totally forgot to square the meters
I too missed that conversion. All is well, went through it all and its handed in, no more math please...

Thanks guys, really appreciate all the help :cool:
I too missed that conversion. All is well, went through it all and its handed in, no more math please...

Thanks guys, really appreciate all the help :cool:
Numbers I am very good with. The problem here is that everything is in metric. I do not know that. The metric system was introduced in Canada when I was in grade 13, my last year of school. I had already graduated, I only went back to school to play football and hoops that year. I skipped most of my classes :). And spent most of my time trying to piss off Mr Lutgendorf, pronounced Lukendorf, i.e. Luukie Baby. He cried in front of everyone once when I turned in a 96% on an exam, and my History notebook only contained doodles and drawings.
If anyone can convert all those cms. to inches etc. I will have an answer for you.
