Carp 2014

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^ awesome info, tcp. Thanks for that write up and suggestion about cattle corn. Does that corn give the carp any issues if they eat it?

Second question... What hook sizes do you generally recommend using?
Korda makes excellent products, although I find they are over priced and at times over complicated. But if you try stuff out and piece together what works best for you, its good to experiment with the differnet products out there and korda makes top notch product.

Also, if you can get your hands on their videos, excellent stuff there! hamidi, hes awesome, love em. You can learn a tonne from their videos, one tip for interpretting the videos though,. dont mind the obvious plugging of various brands. they will say you need brand x ground bait and brand y boilies etc. Just interpret it as a guidline for your own experimation. Use whats available to u. baits that work can be found in any convience store, grocery store etc. beans, chickpeas, corn, anything in a can, you can use carved carrots, garlic cloves work really well, you can make groundbait from all types of stuff. bread crumbs and peanut butter, all sorts will work.

PErsonally I dont mess around with my bait much, I buy a 25kg bag of cattle corn and a 25kg bag of chick feed from a feed supplier, roughly $10 a bag ( price flucates) at the beginning of the season, some times this stuff lasts an entire season for me. I prebait (chum) the same stuff for a few days prior to fishing a big session, the results are very good. The book I recomended in my last post goes over various recipes for groundbait, personally I just take some cooked corn and put it in the chick feed with some of the juice from the corn and mix it up, adding lake/river water to get the right consistancy if neccesary. DONE. you can add flavours like cinnamon or peanut butter or whatever, but I find those two things combined work great
Shawarma said:
^ awesome info, tcp. Thanks for that write up and suggestion about cattle corn. Does that corn give the carp any issues if they eat it?

Second question... What hook sizes do you generally recommend using?
The corn needs to be cooked throough or will cause issues for the fish, by cooked trhough I mean, you can squeeze the kernel and it will mush up.
. if its cooked, they love it, they will gobble it up so quick and be coming back for more. They love the taste, you wont like the taste, it smells like sweaty ball sack. but they love it. Its the same corn we raise our beef with so it has nutritional value for the carp. keep in mind carp have a very wide diet , they prefer crayfish, leechs, worms, snails, bugs/flies and other live bait over vegatation, but they do eat aquatic plants, berrys, and anything they can find to eat, bread that people feed to birds.... So the corn we feed them doesnt really off set their diet in the grand scheme of things.

I normally soak my corn in hot water in a 5gal bucket for 24-48hrs and then boil it in a turkey frier for 1-2hrs.

Hooks, always good to match your hook size to the bait size. big boilies, go with a 2 or a 4. corn, I use a 4 or a 6, no smaller.

With fly, I normally tie with a 6. occasionaly I will use 10's for smaller presentations and 4's for large presentations (lake carp)
Carp Addiction said:
What a great day today turned out to be! 5 landed carp and one 26 pounder!
if I'm not mistaken is that the little bay by the OPG building, or was it a GM building? I'm not sure but whatevs lol

richardjai said:
was out at the carp barrier in hamilton this weekend. these 2 guys using the feeder/corn combo were killing it. I counted 25 caught, but they prolly caught more than 40 considering they were there before us and were still there when I left. I need to try out this feeder thing. they literally caught one every cast every 3 minutes. it was crazy.
if you go under the bridge you can nail them with shrimp, screw corn down there lol
Bought this stuff the other day
good job, looks like you got everything you need for the most part. you just need some sinkers now unless you have those already and maybe a bankstick to attach your alarm to. BTW, those ESP big bouyant sweet corns are my secret weapon. I put 3 kernels of maize on the hair and finish with one of the rubber corns to give it a lil lean upwards when on bottom, also keeps the corn from breaking off . I experimented with one of those esp corns on a hook as a fly, worked well, so i came up with a corn fly using yellow fly foam and lead wraps underneath to sink it.

have fun man, carp season is really heating up now, youll be catching them for sure.
Shawarma said:
You definitely invested in carp fishing!
I never thought I would be carp fishing this year but I'm on that steelhead withdrawal.

tcp said:
good job, looks like you got everything you need for the most part. you just need some sinkers now unless you have those already and maybe a bankstick to attach your alarm to. BTW, those ESP big bouyant sweet corns are my secret weapon. I put 3 kernels of maize on the hair and finish with one of the rubber corns to give it a lil lean upwards when on bottom, also keeps the corn from breaking off . I experimented with one of those esp corns on a hook as a fly, worked well, so i came up with a corn fly using yellow fly foam and lead wraps underneath to sink it.

have fun man, carp season is really heating up now, youll be catching them for sure.
I purchased banksticks but not pictured and I'm good for bell sinkers.

Question... I bought a hair rig setup and the tail end has a swivel. What I want to do is a bolt rig setup which involves a 3 way turn swivel.
How do I attach my hair rig on a 3 way turn swivel? Or should I just forget about the bolt rig and just use a sliding egg sinker instead?
usernamehere said:
Carp reels huh......never seen one in use. I just flip open my reel's bail when i leave it there and close it when i get a strike.
^Probably the most expensive investment in carp fishing. But....... I'd say not really necessary

Use atleast a 4000 size reel and keep your drag very low when your banked and you should be fine.

I wouldnt recommend anything lighter than 14lb test though, and def abrasion resistant. Carp will use anything they can to free themselves.

Drag you into the weed beds, over rocks, into the margins, around bends, so you want your tackle to be up to the task.

A twenty pound carp can easily spool a 2500 reel with 10-12 lb test on it.
Sweet catches bro! And badass tent, I got burnt under the sun again.

Today I got bored and gave up on the carp after 15mins.

I'm gonna buy one of those bite detectors so I don't have to stare at my rod ever again.
or better yet, get the reel that i use for stillfishing for salmon or carp, its a daiwa baitcaster specially made for planer board applications for walleye, just leave the spool free, activate the clicker for strike indication, and booom! i could literally stay away from the rod, and once i hear, wwwweeeeeeeaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! click,click,click, then i race to the rod and set the hook and hold on for dear life!