Casino Rama, Orillia

Ontario Fishing Forums

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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2012
My wife got 2 tickets to a concert. Any good shore fishing around the area? Searching for some boat rentals but looking for some plan B if i can't find one. Will be targeting any In-season fish.
You'll be right by the Kawartha Lakes. Lots of good fishing in that area. Check map and pick a lake close by, should be some pike/walley/musky in the area. Goodluck.
Rich, you are a stone's throw from Atherley Narrows.... this unique and sacred place has been fished for thousands of years by the Chippewas of Rama (Chippewas of the Mnjikaning First Nation, "Mnjikaning" meaning "the place of the fish fence"). Here you can visit an ancient fish weir/fence constructed of stakes in alignment dating back 5,000 years!

And of course there is the legendary perch run here. For sure there are boat rentals at the narrows and great perch fishing and other panfish.

You will be in good company, people have fished here for thousands and thousands of years because of it's unique location! I once won a fishing derby here in Scouts back in the day for a large rock bass I caught right at the narrows, i still have the pic and should post it!! lol!!!!!!! I won a box of chocolate swiss rolls, my first derby win!!!!

Good Luck and would love to hear how you make out!
rich_ace_G said:
My wife got 2 tickets to a concert. Any good shore fishing around the area? Searching for some boat rentals but looking for some plan B if i can't find one. Will be targeting any In-season fish.
Awesome information guys. Wife's idea with the concert. Just don't want to drive that far seeing water on both sides without wetting a line. Thanks a lot for all these great info.
remy give it up. you arent the OFF police. leave it to the mods. dont you have some parr trout (VERY SENSITIVE TO MISHANDLING!!!!) to give the sand death grip out of water?
dugger the chip of rama arent native to the area. they are transplants. i used fishing at the narrows can be tough after the derby. the marina owners ease off a bit during the derby but they get sticky about fishing after may 24. you can rent boats at blue beacon marina at the narrows i think.
OP i pmed u with a spot
ok ok the Chips were not there for thousands of years.... other First Nations people were... the stakes in the weir date from 75 years ago to 200 years ago to 350 years ago, up to 5,000 years ago

I thought Remy's comment was an attempt at humour, or did mentioning this large well known waterway break the discretionary location code?
Thanks people. Appreciate all the help. Not familiar with the area. I won't just be fishing. Will spend most of the time with wife and kids. Fishing will mostly be early morning till noon.
Leaky ur a village idiot...period. i meant to delete my post. Ffs go chase some parked cars
Dugger i meant nothin by it. Delete thia post is what i wrote becuase my post said pm me i have a spot. Then realizing my spot was bot close to casino
ahh gotcha.... no sweataroo

the "P" word, not the "T" word.... i was confuzzled into a momentary lapse of reason

it's like a minefield around here, i'm less nervous when I fish "no trespassing" farm ponds :D

.... that was a joke, i'm here all week, try the veal

Remy dont go getting all excited again
Knuguy said:

This was the sort of "limit to discretion" that I was referring to on that other thread in the GTA section.
rightaroo.... such fuzzy margins... "Everyone and his grandma fishes Simcoe, Couchiching and Atherley".... or maybe they don't and we made the call, the assumption, the famous assumption "everyone knows, everyone fishes...."

remyboy1 said:
dugger--your jokes...and as the newly appointed OFF police --I approve your posts
great Remy, now I need an ill-fitting uniform with stains and a shiny badge....

wait... "we don't neeeeeed nooooo stinking badgesssssssssss!"
