Catfish season

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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2008
Hello Guys
I read on MNR 2008-2009 Fishing Regulations Summary that cat fish season is open all do you guys think there will be catfish in the River specially Rouge River.let me know.thx
You will find bullheads in most waters. They are more active at dusk or night. Leave your bait on the bottom and the worse it smells the better.
Biggest one I caught was with a worm on the islands. It was maybe 2lbs put up a nice fight before I had him in.
toronto_angler said:
Grand river has some nice size Channel Cats much larger then 2 pounds.

I second the grand river thats all I was catching last Oct even tho I was fishing for something else. Caught 5-6 I think in less then an hour.
toronto_angler said:
Grand river has some nice size Channel Cats much larger then 2 pounds.
hey where is this Grand river located.I googled on google map and it shows me in Nova Scotia.let me know.
send me google map link.thx
If you live near the Durham area, you should check out the Newcastle Port. It's just South of 401 off Mill St. The catfish there are pretty big. I personally don't like catching catfish but I have caught nice size ones down there. Enjoy!
On the Grand river The Caledonia Dam is good but try driving down highway 3 for about 20 mins to Dunnville.Near the dam and off the island;have always fished there for walleye and smallies but often the sheepshead and channel cats are quite willing to bite.I have heard that there are flathead catfish there but it seems too geographically north to be so-although the town of Dunnville prides itself as the home of the "mudcats".Maybe they can't tell the difference between a channel cat and a flathead. :mrgreen:
IVE caught a few cats before and now matter what they always put up a good fight even if there around 2 lbs. dont particularly go out to catch catfish though.
dunnville is a good start,
cought a nice 10 pounder there of the byng island. fish at night to rise your chances.
Bvillefish2 said:
If you live near the Durham area, you should check out the Newcastle Port. It's just South of 401 off Mill St. The catfish there are pretty big. I personally don't like catching catfish but I have caught nice size ones down there. Enjoy!

Hi Bvillefish2; Nice to see other anglers from bowmanville! Are you talking about the mouth/pond at the end of wilmont creek? or have I missed something and you don't mean the port of newcastle but maybe a marina etc?

I used to fish for them in the Cootes Paradise in Hamilton before they put in the barrack to block out all the carp for reviving the wates there for other fish and plants, but now they seem to disappear with the carp. Channel cats are fun to catch and the ones I pulled from there ranged from 1 to 7 pounds, and we used chicken livers to lure them. Sometimes when we fished for carp with corn the cats were nosey enough to take our bait too. The last time I caught hugh channel cats was in Trenton just below Dam #1 in the middle of the day, which was rather strange to me. I usually fish for them at night during the grave yard shirt time frame. We saw a bunch of them resting on the sides of the banks too, but they did not even bother to smell our offers. I would not mind getting informed for any places close to the GTA for some cat fun again. If any one knows a spot or two please share with me via PM, thanks!
Trenton.. it has definitely been a while. I remember catching many channel catfish weighing in at least 5 pounds when i was down there.
If you are looking just for small catfish, i.e. brown bullhead, you can find it almost anywhere, it is very common and not too hard to catch either. Go fishing at night, if you do not wish to travel far, there are many places in Toronto to get brown bullhead, such as Grenadier Pond (High Park) , Toronto Island, G Ross Lord Park, Eglinton Flats pond, etc...