Chinook & Coho Attacking Hardware in Small Streams

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By the way this guy's a great fisherman. He also float fishes and fly fishes, but this is his preferred method
thats awesome ive seen people do that at the credit just dropping it in front of them but dont do anything. ive people do that at the humber with j-13s sunday and snagged them too..... i sort of see a pattern here.
I xame across a group of chinooks and when they weren't taking roe bags, I tried a gold coloured mepps. Didn't have trhe same outcome as the fella in the video.

What kind of plugs would be recommended? Is there a size nomenclature, like how the Rapala Husky Jerks are marketed?
FrankTheRabbit said:
I xame across a group of chinooks and when they weren't taking roe bags, I tried a gold coloured mepps. Didn't have trhe same outcome as the fella in the video.

What kind of plugs would be recommended? Is there a size nomenclature, like how the Rapala Husky Jerks are marketed?

When salmon are on their redds or very close to their redds in the headwaters, they are far more territorial and aggressive than when they are in the middle stretches of the river. Really doesn't matter what you throw at them...I've seen salmon charging various bits of garbage that's floating down river. You don’t have to be fishing for them to see the males (almost always) chase each other away from the redds. Cohos are generally more aggressive than chinnies further up (which is why there’s a lot more anglers (myself included) who’d love to see more emphasis put into them VS chinnies). I find with chinnies that after the first day or two of being in the rivers, they aren’t aggressive at all and not really worth fishing for IMO.

Pedro/Rapala boy, you’ve posted 1 other vid twice of the same content. Personally I still have no idea why you’re so fascinated with pulling mostly dead, fungus covered salmon off redds. Thank God for season closures!
hmm what about rainbows and browns?

i found a nice pool at the humber that three different types of fish.

it was insane the salmon chasing off the brown and the rainbow and the rainbow and brown hitting my bait like crazy. tried to have it float around the stump and saw them smash it like crazy even my float.
t0ca said:
hmm what about rainbows and browns?

i found a nice pool at the humber that three different types of fish.

it was insane the salmon chasing off the brown and the rainbow and the rainbow and brown hitting my bait like crazy. tried to have it float around the stump and saw them smash it like crazy even my float.

Migratory browns and rainbows can be caught with hardware. A great deal of my steelhead fishing is using spinners early and late in the season as well as kwikfish, tadpollies, hotshots, etc throughout the season (even under the float). Some of the best anglers I know only use hardware to catch fish. In my case, I’m almost always fishing blind in deep pools, runs and undercuts for fish I don’t see. Backing wobbling lures or swinging unweighted spinners at the tail-out of pools into logjams is also highly effective. I do not pester fish on redds in knee deep water as seen in the video.

one step at a time for:

learned how to read and listen to the river.

learned how to wade.

learned how to present my bait.

need to learn how to present different offering besides roe and target specific fish.

they way i target browns or steelheads ive notice is deeper pools(if there is a salmon spotted usually a rainbow or brown are there), fast current, slow current, protection i.e fallen trees, stumps shade.

im getting there but im also a strong beliver of being at the right place at the right time.