Choosing a new CP

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Calvin Loney

Active Member
Oct 8, 2016
I am currently in the market for a new centerpin. I would like to keep the cost on the low side for as far as centerpins go. I have found that fishheads has a few nice combos.

They are all very similar in price except the r- type is on sale. Would I be right to buy the r- type as its over a $400 combo normally vs the raven ones at 370.. And i have tried to look into this on the web with no real luck, but whats the difference between the matrix and helix reel? (Other then size)

Thanks for any help
The Matrix or Helix would be a nice reel to start out with. My buddy bought a Helix combo earlier this fall, I took a few drifts with it and it felt nice. I used a Matrix for a year and a half and it was a very nice reel too. Never used that rapala reel but I've used the Shift and it's ok, but feels somewhat awkward due to the offset. Apparently some of Rapala's rods are nice.
My wife bought me a Rapala Shift for xmas this year. It's a first for me, so I'm anxious to give it a shot.
FishinBob said:
Went with a Helix, so far so good. Just trying to learn to cast the thing..

Trying casting like this. A friend tried to teach me his way and I couldn't get the hand motion down. Lol I find this guy's way was super easy to learn, especially coming off a fly rod.
I got a buddy who can smoke talk on a phone and still cast and drift on a CP with one hand, freaks me out.
Cant go wrong with any suggested here but you may consider looking for a used higher end reel. Kijiii is a great place to look. Islanders are beautiful amd awesome spinners But more expensive. Bave fun and follow . your instincts. You heart wont steer you wrong
Raw 2. I have both. I have to change bearing on my sheffield to make it as smooth as my Raw 2. Both can take a beating.
I have a Raven Matrix fully ported and one thing I can tell you is it doesn't suck. For the money a very good reel, I've looked at and felt the Islander and can't justify the cost to just say I have an Islander. One day when I can afford it I may buy a fancy pin but likely not until my Matrix fails me. Buy the best you can afford, I put my money in a rod as I have a bad shoulder and wanted a light well balanced rod. None of the reels mentioned suck, I fish with guys with all kinds of reels and they all do the job. None of the reels or rods will catch you fish, it's knowing your equipment and how to present what you are offering.
I would not jump on an Islander just yet if I'm looking for a starter kit. Rapala Type R, Okuma Aventa are the best at under $200 pins. Under $300 you have Matrix, Raw2, Sheffield, Ross. Streamside/ CB Emery had the vortex at introductory $179 and suppose to be good but always sold out. You also need to consider a rod, then rig it. A nice entry level centerpin gear woul still get you to the range of $350 - $400.
Ok, I agree that it is a bit expensive to start off with an islander. The raven line of centerpins are great bang for buck. There are floatfishing only boards that have good used ones all the time