Choosing a new CP

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Matt Rickles said:

Italo seems to like it. I see that he is a great fishing figure here in ontario so take his opinion on it how you will. I had a rapala r type and just gave it away because i was embarassed to ask money for it.
Italo loved that pin so much he also wore the hat and the waders to go with that gear....... he's a paid Rapala Shill...
Not all of us can afford expensive gear, so when something like the Shift comes on sale I jump at it. I don't think insulting people for their choice is very smart.
I have a Rapala Shift, purchased it at Sail for $199 last year. (Saw it as a good "deal" consiu)

At first its a bit awkward, start up is a bit slow - compared to my Islander and despite cleaning it 5 times there still sounds like sand in the bearings...

That doesn't mean its a "bad" reel, I just have to learn how to use it "differently".

Personally I use it for Carp fishing now, some people may think of me as crazy for doing so but it makes fighting a carp more exciting!

Just trying to work on a way to put a "drag" or "resistor" on the spool when I have the line tight and waiting for a bite! (on a bite alarm)
Matt Rickles said:
They both suck. Thats truth...Islander is best reel on market aside from custom. You won't regret it
I disagree. There's a lot of decent reels out there that are much cheaper than custom priced reels. I have a kingpin imperial that's 10 years old I bought for 200 bucks and I'd take it over an islander any day. And it's the easiest reel ever to field strip and doesn't require a single tool
Not all pin are created equal....hence the price. My first pin was an Aventa. I was very satisfied with it but it was sold as an entry level centerpin by Okuma and they have a much better Sheffield centerpin for $240 (at the time) So that ignited the ego that while fishing a decent pin, it is labelled "entry level" and an upgrade might just be a bit better with all the promise of - a better drift and catching more fish....guess what? when I purchased the sheffield, it never made me a better angler catching more fish, but it fed my ego that I now have a good centerpin and no longer an "entry level" then came the raw2...better start up. yes. compared to the sheffield, it does run better (because it's new). I got it for $189 (employee discount availed by my wife) again, didn't make me a better anger...only experience makes you a better angler. but I now have 2 good centerpins that me and son can use. One thing I can say is that, I have accidentally dropped my reels on water and concrete multiple times, lots of dings and scratches...still runs good, fights the baddest meanest salmons on the water without hiccups.

If you're going half-assed on centerpin, don't put all your chips because float fishing just might not be the style for you. shop what you can afford and always put $100 on top of the reel & rod because that's about the amount of money you will need for your backing, main line, leaders, split shots, hooks, beads, roe & flies - ON THE FIRST SEASON.
Take your okumas apart and clean the bearings. They are grease packed nd you need to change to light oil. There is a video on Youtube of how to do it.
Aventa sheff and raw2 all have the same parts other than the face. The bearings are the same
Swing4Steel said:
Take your okumas apart and clean the bearings. They are grease packed nd you need to change to light oil. There is a video on Youtube of how to do it.
Aventa sheff and raw2 all have the same parts other than the face. The bearings are the same
had all of them greased with sewing machine oil now. I don't have the aventa and my sheffield needs new bearings. I'm currently using a matrix and my kid is using the raw but we mostly just swing flies.
Swing4Steel said:
Chances of needing new bearings is slim unless theyre damaged. To add oil you need to take em out and clean the insides with brake cleaner
did that. bearings are crunched. I can feel it. totally different from just sand grinding on it. already got the bearing for replacement, don't have time yet. aventa I sold last year for $80 and I still see the dude who bought it every salmon run. My son is loving the fly so I will probably get rid of one more pin by summer. or maybe both pins need to go and get me into some switch setup.
Some people would rather wear out their arm catching fish rather than wear it out casting aha hahahaha......
Huronfly said:
DILLI ditch the cp(centre pin) and get a different cp(click-pawl). :razz:
Lol Some people would rather quality over quantity. I'd rather take one steelhead on the swing with a click pawl than 100 on a bobber. Just my opinion... everyone is welcome to their own.
I love catching steels on different styles...when I first learn the art of float fishing it was amazing catching chrome...then tried it on a fly...totally different experience....but then catching them on the fly that you tied
I just hope this extra spring rain doesn't kill the fall rain amount again. Brutal last fall.