Cleaning up = good fishing karma

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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2012
Last weekend I had the chance to get out to one of my favourite spots that I haven't been to in a while. The fishing was pretty good but unfortunately a bunch of trash was hanging around. . . so I thought I would do my part. I know it's not a whole lot but every bit helps and the spot looked a lot better when I left. The bag is actually a minnow bag that was left on site and I happened to have a set of gloves in my wading jacket. Probably good to always carry a bag just in case.

I encourage everyone to clean up when you are out and about. Probably only took me 10 minutes at the end of my day to fill up a bag. Like any good dead I think the effect is contagious and hopefully the messy people will realize they should clean up after themselves. I also think a lot of otherwise tidy people justify leaving their garbage when trash is already laying around.
I can say that anyone from this site that I have gone out with has cleaned up after themselves and I'd like everyone on this site has the same respect.

Cheers. bimmer.


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Good on you bimmer. I almost always have a trash bag in my pack and unfortunately often fill it.
It is sad that people leave their stuff behind. I say if you can carry it in, then carry it out. It's not like things get heavier. Bottles and cans are always lighter when left as litter.
2 of my peeves that I always clean up when on the water are discarded fishing line and the rings that hold 6 cans. Besides being an eyesore these items can be dangerous to wildlife and to others trying to enjoy the outdoors.

...the river rose last week and flooded the backyard, again, and when it receded I found 6 hypodermic needles spread about, diabetic needles. Not good in so may ways.
Wow. That is something new for my peeve list Dugger. I can't say I have ever found any needles in my waterfront clean-up projects, but as you said, that is bad in many ways.

Wow, I think finding needles would make me crazy. Sad... I'm with Alfi on hating the fishing line. I also see lots of cigarette buts, packs, etc. Garbage bag and gloves are always in my tackle bag...