Clipped Fish

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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2014
When I was fishing the other day I landed a Chinook that had it's adipose clipped. This was definitely not an injury sustained during it's migration, clearly clipped cleanly at a very early age. My question is, are fish that are stocked still clipped? I thought Canadian fish have not had any fins clipped for some time now. My first thought was that this was possibly an American fish which had lost it's way. This is the first adipose clip I have ever seen, is this normal for anyone else?
yes, stocked fish have clipped fins, they stopped a few years ago, so those last clipped fish will spawn in the next year or two
We do get a good number of American strays coming up this way also. Not sure about Lake O because I don't fish it but I know Huron gets some Michigan-stocked chinooks coming in occasionally.
Co they clip bows too? Don't think I've ever noticed a clipped one and I catch at least 100 bows from lake O every year. Do clipped fish produce offspring with missing fins?
Split-shot said:
Co they clip bows too? Don't think I've ever noticed a clipped one and I catch at least 100 bows from lake O every year. Do clipped fish produce offspring with missing fins?

is this a serious question?
TroutCommander said:
Yep. Then i dont.feel bad about bonking one. Hatchery clones should die
That shouldn't be your decision to make. It's illegal to kill fish just because you don't like them. Did you hear about the guy who was filmed killing a musky because he felt they are "****' fish?
And hatchery brats are poop fish. Science has shown that stocked fish are deleterious to wild runs. In some areas of North America you are not allowed to release clipped steelhead.Clipped bows are stocked by mnr for us to retain so i do so within the limits.
Both these fish got to meet "mr rock" face to face


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