A simple cure that's never let me down:
When the water in the trib is frigid, rinse the loose eggs in a bag or container of the trib water for about a minute (doesn't need much time). If you wish, drain and repeat once.
Voila, your eggs are cured.
Some say "you need the goo there to attract fish" - nay, you definitely don't. Blair used to swear by the goo for night fishing steelies - so there is definitely a time and a place for gooey eggs, but they're not necessary for daytime fishing imnsho.
When you get home, dry the eggs by scattering them on a paper towel. Once the excess moisture is off, put them in a container and freeze them.
They will not freeze, will not pop, will last for as many drifts as you need, and will not leave goo everywhere.
Now you can play around with lightly salting / rehydrating / freezing / drying / borax etc. to achieve other desired affects, such as eggs that will not whiten.
But anyhow, river cured eggs, fast, simple, easy, clean, effective. And free!
*Water curing over a lengthier period of time is different from frigid water quick rinse curing. For the cure I outlined, the water has to be near freezing. On opener the water is usually plenty cold enough.