Credit River Feb. 28th 2011

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Oct 17, 2010
Soooo after reading Float's post on the credit yesterday. I said screw Niagara and decided to try and pull some steel. Holy high water batman!. It's insane how much one rain storm can change a river so drastically in less than a day. I'd say by wednesday or thursday things should calm down, if we have no more rain that is.

Since the straights were useless, I tried running the banks and the inner pools but with 2 inchs of visibility it was a S.O.L day :(. Float..i'm jealous..flat out haha. Nice fish again! Check out the pics to see mother natures damage. Also on a side note, everyone be extremely careful this time of year. I watched a spot, where i was standing a few seconds before, become undermined and literally sweep away into the raging credit.

Also on a extremely messed up side note, i was stocked by two coyote's today!. Saw them pacing me to the east about 70-80 feet into the tree's near the 403. I stopped, and stared directly at them. The part where i got a lil worried is when they copied my movement's. I walked forward, so did they, i stopped they stopped. I eventually scared them off after an intense stare down (which you should never look away from!) and by charging towards them into the tree's. Just remember, your fishing rod and reel (especially a center-pin) make a great club if needed. Sorry for no picture's, but my camera was the last thing on my mind at that moment. I'm just glad it wasn't 2 wolves haha, or i might not be here writing this message, seriously. Coyote's and wolves are extremely hungry in the spring, and take big risks on the chance of food. So remember play safe around spring river banks and be observant of your surroundings people!


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holy crap thats intense.. good thing you made it outta there in one peice. Bummer on the fishin but theres always next time. Thanks for the pics Mikey.
i must admit i timed my day perfectly yesterday, watching your pics i'm shocked how things can change so fast. And wasn't it just drizzle? I've never seen coyote's down there that's even more strange seen a few deers now and then but coyote's thats nuts. I always carry a small knife with me u never know when u might need it. .Mikey before u go next time look at the water charts it can be very helpful after a rain fall.
i must admit i timed my day perfectly yesterday, watching your pics i'm shocked how things can change so fast. And wasn't it just drizzle? I've never seen coyote's down there that's even more strange seen a few deers now and then but coyote's thats nuts. I always carry a small knife with me u never know when u might need it. .Mikey before u go next time look at the water charts it can be very helpful after a rain fall.

You did indeed my friend, you did indeed. And i know, i usually do check them, religiously actually haha, i love that government canada website!. But i had plans to go to niagara and made a last minute change to hit the credit (actually last second haha, i cut across 4 lanes of traffic to take the mississauga rd. exit off of the qew). Either way nature's awesome, and so are coyote's so i still had fun today. Although i can not wait for my tax return to buy a pair of breathable's! Don't ask me why i've wait so long as well haha. To anyone thinking of buying neoprene wader's. Don't. You'll end up buying breathables, trust me.
i've owned a few pairs but when i bought simms g4 pro wow huge difference. U need breathable and something that will keep u warm simms is just that. Yeah they are expensive but worth every penny. I bought mine 2 years ago i put them thru hell and they are still in one piece.
That's crazy Mikey! Glad to you know made it out perfectly fine. Next time you could bring a little bit of meat and throw it in the river to see if they will try and get it. hah j/k
imagine if he was carrying a fish ohh boy lol.

I still wouldn't have dropped it, thats my fish :cool:

Although all day I've been playing out how i would have approached the situation if there was a larger group, or if they surrounded me haha. But a. I'm not david attenborough and b. this is Mississauga, not Alaska! haha..

Speaking of Alaska, on a random note, started watching Alaskan state trooper's recently, and it's wicked!. It's like cop's, but everyone owns a gun, no ugly fat prostitutes, and there is always something to do with fishing or hunting or wildlife in the episode!. Check it out!.
thats awesome that they would follow you like that, i would worrie if they had rabies,
i always bring fire crackers with me, just incase something like that were to ever happon,
or to scare pochers into thinking i have a gun... lol (has worked a few times)

would of been nice to get a fish for the dogs.... (carp or sucker) not much food around for them, humans leave so much garbage behind, they always fins something we throw away.
same way how crows will follow you through the forest..
Coyotes attack a human? Not likely. Coy dogs, possibly. Wolves attack a human? No. You would be very lucky to even see one in the wild.
A lone Gray Wolf walked right through my campsite one night last July on the Attawapiskat River near James Bay. He howled a bunch, knocked over a couple food barrels and wandered off down the beach. We stayed in our tents, just peeking out of the fly, didn't want to get in his way, couldn't get to my camera as it was in my pelican case stashed under one of our boats. We found his tracks the next morning and took some photos of those, they were massive!

One of the other guides I work with had a pair of wolves trail two of the girls on his trip when they were heading back into the bush to bury food waste. That was up on the George River in Labrador. The same group was followed by a polar bear for 10km as they paddled down river.

Never had a run in with a coyote, but have seen a few in High Park, and one in my parents' compost heap.
Haha oh they most certainly do enjoy garbage..i used to work solid waste for the city and we'd see them hanging around certain dumps late at night..curious and guessing the smell is irresitable..but they just watched..then left..and high park eh? you live in the area? I'm south etobicoke..
Haha oh they most certainly do enjoy garbage..i used to work solid waste for the city and we'd see them hanging around certain dumps late at night..curious and guessing the smell is irresitable..but they just watched..then left..and high park eh? you live in the area? I'm south etobicoke..

I grew up between Roncesvalles and Parkside Dr., couple blocks south of Bloor. I'm living out by Trinity Bellwoods now, just off Queen.