Credit River Steelhead Derby

Ontario Fishing Forums

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John from CRAA

Active Member
Dec 30, 2011
I noted some people could not find the link so here is the posting from the CRAA chat board. - John

Hi Everyone,

I'll be running this years spring steelhead tournament. We will be meeting at Erindale Park in the dundas parking lot at 5am sharp on Saturday May 5th to suit up, pair up and start fishing. The tournament will end at 12pm with lunch to follow. The format of the tournament for those not familiar is an experienced angler is teamed with a non-experienced angler. The team who catches the most total inches win prizes and/or money.

Rules below

1. Must follow the rules of the Ontario Fishing Regulations
2. Tournament begins at 5:30am-12pm on May 5th at Erindale Park. Meet in parking lot at 5am.
3. Every minute late is a one (1) inch penalty
4. Teams of 2 or 3 depending on number of entries consisting of one or two experience anglers and one or two inexperienced anglers
5. $30 entrance fee
6. Participants can only fish the main stem of the Credit River from south of the Norval Dam to the Lake. No fishing in any tributaries.
7. Every participant (or team) must have a digital camera
8. All fish measured will be rounded up or down to the nearest inch
9. All fish must be measured with a CRAA TOURNAMENT tape measure that must be laid straight and tight from the fork of the tail to the front of the mouth.
10. Each fish requires two (2) pictures, one of them with the whole fish and tape and one of them with a close up of the head to determine exact inches
11. If any participant is caught cheating, him/her and all team members will be disqualified from all prizes and entry into subsequent tournaments
12. Catch and release only
13. Catching a tagged fish and taking the info down will result in a bonus of 1 inch
14. All prizes, if any will be drawn for
15. If there is a tie, the following will determine the winner; 1)longest fish; 2)number of fish 3)coin toss
16. All tournament entry fee’s to be given by cash or cheque made out to Credit River Anglers Association
17. 15” minimum length for fish too count towards total inches
18.Only steelhead (Rainbow Trout) may be measured and entered into the tournament
19. All proceeds will go towards a combination of prizes and conservation work.
20. Each fish must be measured with the CRAA TOURNAMENT tape measure on top of the fish and tightly stretched out over fish. If the tape measure left loosely on top of the fish, it will not count.
21. Participants CANNOT use a canoe/kayak/float tube or any other floating devise to navigate the river and fish.
22.Each participant cannot call another participant on a different team.

Remember that this is a fun tournament, and all money collected goes towards the event, the prizes and the club.

If anyone has any questions or would like to enter, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]. Make your cheques out to Credit River Anglers Association and send them to the following address, please include a note with your email address, whether or not you have a digital camera, and your experience level:

Justin A. Elia
1400 Dixie rd. suite 2008
Mississauga, On

Enrty fee is $30 and the entry deadline is April 15th. This is a great opportunity for people new to fishing who would like to learn a lot from an experienced angler.

In case of Flood or severe weather conditions which may heavily effect the tournament, the reschedule date will be May 12th.