december 18 atlantic salmon confirm :)

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im using rainbow roe big spawn sack lol thanks salmo and everyone who like my post thanks :)
Hey " exOor " , nice Atlantic salmon hen you were lucky to catch , I haven't caught one over a pound so far .
Check out this link and see what that small hen you caught might turn out to be ....
This video starts at the take to the landing , awesome fish .
I caught my First Ever atlantic this past summer on Lake ontario Trolling for chinook Salmon in a tournament.

We had the rigger set down 90 feet in 130 fow.

It was a weird day, thinking we were in Chinook territory,

We managed some of the largest Steehead i have witnessed as well as My 6 pound atlantic,

As for the fight, I honestly thought i had a 15 pound chinook salmon on the line,

Very surprised when i saw it jump for the first time just a little thing on the line.....

We cannot keep them yet, Unless they are Extremely Huge in size, But They are worth catching, Lets hope they get the 50+ pounds as recorded from 80 years ago....

Hey " exOor " , nice Atlantic salmon hen you were lucky to catch , I haven't caught one over a pound so far .
Check out this link and see what that small hen you caught might turn out to be ....
This video starts at the take to the landing , awesome fish .

Sick video!

Good catch exOor! :)
Awesome fish ExOor, wish I was there to have seen it. Hopefully we can fish together in the future. Been too busy workin lately
We cannot keep them yet, Unless they are Extremely Huge in size, But They are worth catching, Lets hope they get the 50+ pounds as recorded from 80 years ago....

Hey Jeremy. Being mostly a catch and release fisherman myself, I would never keep an Atlantic until they have been reestablished into our Ontario waters. I don't understand what you are saying " unless they are extremely huge." As far as I can find in the regs, no Atlantic may be kept in any Ontario waters at all reguardless of the size.
Even on the east coast some areas don't have a daily limit. You are allowed to keep 2 fish or 4 fish per season on certain rivers.
As for the fight, they are perhaps the best fighting fish pound for pound I have ever caught. I caught a 25 lber in a northern Newfie river a few years back. He cleared the water by 3 ft at least 7 times and almost spooled my fly rod twice. I chased him 2 miles downstream before sliding him into the cradle. He received a kiss on the beak from me, and then I held him in the water for a few minutes until he swam vigorously away giving me a face wash with his tail.

Nice Atlantic - have caught 2 in the river one 16lbs approx and one 5 ibs - numerous grille. The big girl was caught in Erindale park and without a guy down river assisting - net - I would have lost her easily - running like she was on fire.......quick release she was full of roe.
You're allowed to keep 1 over 24.8" with a sport fishing license from zone 20, which is Lake Ontario.

Seems rather absurd at this stage though! No rant needed, I think we can all concur it should be 0.
Nice Atlantic - have caught 2 in the river one 16lbs approx and one 5 ibs - numerous grille. The big girl was caught in Erindale park and without a guy down river assisting - net - I would have lost her easily - running like she was on fire.......quick release she was full of roe.
Nice Jim. They do tend to lite fires. I'm glad to hear they are coming back, and that they are in the Credit and that size, 16 lbs. Nice fish, I'm going to have to concentrate on the Credit a bit more.As I have said they are a great fish to catch, and release.

The largest Atlantic officially recorded from Lake Ontario was 45 pounds. But I would bet larger fish were caught but simply not weighed as weigh scales were very rare prior to 1890. They averaged 8-20 pounds. Atlantic salmon declined in Lake Ontario by the 1840's and were declared extinct in 1896, 115 years ago!

The new program has shown growing returns and I expect steady increases in catch rates. It will take many years to see fish over 30 pounds as they have to adapt to Lake Ontario. To date we have seen natural reproduction in the Credit and the best return since prior to the 1880's. But estimates form the 1830's indicate between 100,000 and 300,000 wild Atlantic salmon ran the Credit each year. Compare that to present day runs of 10-15k of chinook, 1k of coho, 10k of steelhead and a few browns. We have a long way to go!

Thanks for the info John. I have been previlaged to fish Atlantics in East coast rivers. I hope that one day I will catch one here at home as exoOor did. They are a great sport fish and truely great leapers.

Just an aside. An Atlantic still does not look like a brown to a trained eye, not even close.

The largest Atlantic officially recorded from Lake Ontario was 45 pounds. But I would bet larger fish were caught but simply not weighed as weigh scales were very rare prior to 1890. They averaged 8-20 pounds. Atlantic salmon declined in Lake Ontario by the 1840's and were declared extinct in 1896, 115 years ago!

The new program has shown growing returns and I expect steady increases in catch rates. It will take many years to see fish over 30 pounds as they have to adapt to Lake Ontario. To date we have seen natural reproduction in the Credit and the best return since prior to the 1880's. But estimates form the 1830's indicate between 100,000 and 300,000 wild Atlantic salmon ran the Credit each year. Compare that to present day runs of 10-15k of chinook, 1k of coho, 10k of steelhead and a few browns. We have a long way to go!


The late Dr. E.J. Crossman, Curator of Ichthyology, Royal Ontario Museum, once said:

"the rivers of Southern Ontario can thank two historical milestones - the Invention of Electricity and Hurricane Hazel for their recovery". If these events had not occurred, the dams would still be running the mills and people would still be developing the floodplains."

Fewer dams, more forest and the protection of valuable headwater areas will eventually restore coldwater habitats.

Plus: CATCH & RELEASE ...... and we have a chance!

CRAA is working with OFAH, MNR and others closely on the project. I am a member of the Science team for the Atlantic (bring back the salmon) program along with many MNR staff and a few other biologists. Our hope is to develop a fishery soon...but it will take time. I too have fished Atlantics in several East Coast rivers and they are a unique fish. But so our are wild steelhead and our other wild and hatchery salmon/trout. We are very lucky to have a diverse fishery. Atlantic gilse (1 lake year fish) were fairly common for regulars to the lower river this year which is a first. Normally they are rare, but each fall we see more and more.

As an aside, if anyone has caught an Atlantic please report it to me at CRAA to add to our database. A photo is helpful to, as I often receive misidentified fish that are not Atlantic's/ Nice to know for sure.

The fish in the photo is a kelt (drop back), spawned out and on its way back to the lake. Atlantic salmon can spawn multiple times like steelhead so maybe we will see that fish again...just larger!

And I agree, Atlantic salmon are very easy to identify.

My buddy fishes for Atlantics every year when he goes home. This year he said it was the best ever - New Brunswich - he just bought a nice house there his second for 50,000. Right in his new back yard is the best river in the province for Atlantics. He has his guide certificate and this year he has invited me there to fish - can't wait. The Credit has rebounded but with the pressure in certain areas practicing catch and release is very important to the stocks. When I have run into grille I move on quickly as not to harm them. The browns are coming along very nicely since the push to restock bigger breeding fish.