December mirror

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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2011
This my 3rd mirror carp this year. Really happy to have banked this one.
HPIM1799 (800x601).jpg
ChasinTails said:
Nice fish ! What's a mirror carp ?
A mirror carp is a variety of carp that has very few scales. They are the same as common carp except for the scales.
Carp have been bred in Europe and Asia as a food fish for hundreds of years. Fish farmers or what we call today aquaculturists began breeding carp for the market that had fewer or even no scales. Carp have big tough scales which were difficult to remove and dulled knives very quickly. These carp with no or few scales got top dollar in the market.
Our carp here were brought here from Europe about 130 years ago and were stocked in waters across north america to replenish fish stocks that were rapidly going down as a result of over fishing.
These fish carried the genetics for the mirror variety. In north america only one in thousands of newly hatched carp fry is a mirror. In Europe there are a lot more mirror carp maybe even more than fully scaled or common carp. There are even fully scaled mirror carp here. They have the oversized scales of a mirror carp that completely cover them. They can look incredible. You can also catch carp here that have regular scales for the most part but have a distortion in the scale pattern on only a part of their body. We call these muddlers.
AKnook said:
Nice. I remember seeing a fisherman land a huge carp in high park one day. I have never caught one. Congrats.
missing out on not having caught one....they're like a freaking tugboat.....just keeps going