Difficulty with drag on my Fenwick Blackhawk reel

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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2011
Milton, Ont
I am having difficulty with the drag on my Fenwick Blackhawk 5/6 reel. Havent used it all that much but notices this problem my last time out. When i am stripping line out by hand to get ready to cast- the drag appears to slip and the line "outstrips" the pressure of me pulling on it and i get a bit of a birds nest forming. I also now notice that when i turn the drag to its maximum it doesnt seem to change the setting as much as it should- it is higher than the lowest setting but far from "strong" drag. Anything you think i am doing wrong or any way i could try and correct how the drag is working? Thanks!! Allan
not really, keeping the drag locked down puts unneccesary tension on the spring and discs, and can cause your drag to not be as strong or not function properly