hillarious....nice pic.....guess that one didn't want to be a moviestar
No not quite, I know that fish, I have caught him before, his name is Sylvester. LMAO.
Dude, besides "sharing his passion" he shared "an immense sense of pride" (in your own words there) about winning tournaments... bragging? I share my passion about fishing often enough, but when the pictures of the fish come out or stories of past conquests, I know that I really need to check my motives - especially when it comes to strangers, which you and most everyone else is on this forum.I met a fisherman this summer who encouraged me to join a bass tournament. He was very knowledgeable of the local area, and he told me with an immense sense of pride that both he and one of his family members had won this tournament in prior years. He told me his name and where to look up the results history online. I shared in his positive experience of winning the tournament and we talked fishing for a good half hour that day. No, he was not trying to sell me a bumper sticker with his name on it, he was sharing his passion.
WOW!!!...........Very well put salmotrutta.....this should be published.
btw - There are pictures I've taken you'll never see.
You too miss the point, but that's okay. Reread my original post, and try to understand the point. Once you "get it", the rest makes sense. I brag, I tell stories, I share pictures, I have fun fishing with my buddies (and my wife <grin> now I'm bragging) but that's not the point. This is a public forum - most of the lurkers and members none of you know - you don't know me from Fred down the street. So what's the real reason for having a discussion about blurring backgrounds? So you can say to all those people, eat your heart out, I caught this really nice fish and I'm not saying where. hahahaha... seriously, and now you entertain yourself by questioning my sarcasm, nice!Are you bragging?
Hahahaha... dude, I post photos. I couldn't care less about anyone else posting photos either. You need to brush up on your reading comprehension, because what I'm saying (said) is if you're that worried about a bunch of people rubbing elbows with you in the stream the next day, then don't post the picture on a public forum. If that doesn't bother you, then go for it.Way to go Notta!!
Awesome pics... I recognize a few of those spots![]()
There's too many crybabies around this forum. I came here with the intention of being part of an online fishing community... now I log in once in a blue moon to watch the Flame Wars lol. I've found much better resources online with much friendlier and more like-minded anglers.
Joel52... does that mean you don't enjoy sharing a good story with fellow fisherman about the hog bass you caught in the rainstorm or the giant trout you landed one snowy morning when it was too cold for anyone else to be roughin it on the river? who cares if some forum hero like you thinks it's wrong to post photos. you're taking the fun out of angling for everybody. the point of the internet, and forums, is to share and enjoy one another's experiences. and you know what, if someone goes 10/10 one day, by all means i look FORWARD to hearing them brag about it. If you weren't fishing in a spot that EVERYONE knows ie Credit, Bronte then you wouldn't have that problem. And who cares if someone says the Credit @ Erindale is on fire? There's gonna be 100 people there on any given day anyways, fish or not.
I could post pics of everywhere I fish, and I GUARANTEE you no one would be able to say "I know exactly where that spot is." Even if I said, i'm going to hit the Coldwater this weekend cuz it's on fire, nobody except the most regular visitors to that particular creek would have ANY idea where the fish are holding.
Neither - but IN MY OPINION, someone who feels the need to share a picture in public and blurs or whites out the background is, among other things feeding an ego. I share pictures, I share spots, I understand possible consequences, I couldn't care less... it's a free country. The pictures and spots that I keep to myself are exactly that - kept to myself, for obvious reasons.Im confused Joel, are you for or against whiting out backgrounds? I think I missed the point lol.
In good conscience, the conservation minded person will consider the opportunity and viewing forum community associated with the picture they post. The suggestion of using the ground or an angle toward the ground or water solves the problem of the worries shared on this thread. If you don't have a picture that you feel you can post without compromise, then share it privately with those you know. Easy enough? But if you deliberately blur or white out the background, and then post on an open forum i'll call you out for stroking your own ego - and I'll be right. Who cares what anybody thinks about your fish, really, except for a pat on the back, or validation, or whatever. And that's okay, we all need to hear how good we've done, right? <grin>All this sharing is good for the right individuals, but again, the issue here is showing where spots are hot to people that are not conservation minded. You open up spots for loogans and you come on here to cry bloody murder when you see slit up fish on the banks. Some of you make no sense at all.
For the past 120 minutes, 92 users have come across here. 16 REGISTERED (17%) users and 76 (83%) LURKERS. Way to preach about being a conservation minded angler. :roll: