Do you think there will be any Steelhead around fo the opener?

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When the season opener comes at the end of April, will there still be steelhead around?

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Yes, there will be some but less aggressive. The warmer the water and the fewer the fish, the slower the bite
Couple weeks away... A few spots I've been checking out recently have lots of dark coloured fish and many redds, also lots of fresh fish comng up stream... I'm curious to see how the fish wIll respond to the next big rain. Our nights are still cold, so thats good?
I dont think there will be many steelhead, i know that the west tribs are done, alot of the fish from lake Erie came up in start of march, and were on the nest 1 week after. the beaver only had 6 days of fish going up the ladder,est 1600 in 4 days, i have a feeling the steel head have gone back or wont be biteing much at all on there way back to the lakes...

but has for resident trout, i think they will be satying around much longer. alot of my local stream and creek havent seen a single trout yet. only the small ones can be seen, and they uasaly have spawning trout during the kids march break... but also water levels are so low its not funny.

all in all i have my best luck for trout mid summer! so maybe this spring will be better then last.
Get a nice big rain before opener and there will still be plenty of fish. The real question is how far past opener will there be fish? The water levels have been so low for a while that I bet there is still a nice run of fish waiting on certain rivers. Im assuming all of the fish that went up in the fall to stick it out over winter have already spawned and returned to the lake.
That's a good point; if we don't get a good rain until the opener, the fish won't be going anywhere and that should mean fish for the opener or later when the rain comes.
Every day out we have been hitting more silver fish then drop backs. I`m seeing lots of fish in the headwaters still and the current water temps are around 47 so unless it gets really warm and we get some heavy rains there should be fish around.

Instead of hitting the upper sections and it may be better to stay down river and hit them as they drop back.. That's better for the fish and the redds to.. I`m also seeing and hearing reports of fresh fish in the lower sections of some rivers.