Jiggin said:
If enough people declined their ballot, you might see change in the system. Want to ensure the same depressing status quo? Keep doing what you're doing. By actively participating in the democratic process, I absolutely have the right to complain about any and all parties.
Declining a vote isn't pointless, it lets the government and all parties know that you're not happy with any of their platforms or policies.
You know what was pointless? Voting for a PC candidate in Kathleen Wynne's riding.
Yes, you show that you are not happy...but in the end, politicians don't care...because declined votes do not dictate the ultimate share of votes that matters...the votes that actually goes toward a party.
100 voters
40 declined
30 vote Liberal
16 vote PC
13 vote NDP
1 vote other
You get a Liberal majority.
Now...let's say more people are undecided and declined their votes...but the overall distribution of votes are the same...
100 voters
80 declined
10 vote Liberal
5 vote PC
4 vote NDP
1 vote other
You still get a Liberal majority.
POINTLESS to decline votes...because you are not going to remove a majority government with your declined votes. You are in fact letting others decide your fate for you by doing so. If you choose to lose your voting power, you might as well not vote. Parties don't care that you are grumpy and decide not to vote for any of them. Voters turn out is getting lower and lower...do you think any of the parties care? No, they just carry on as usual...because no-shows and declined votes don't change the share of votes that matters. If it doesn you would see parties actually try to impress us.
Under our current climate, politicians are working to secure the sure votes...the ones that they can rely on...their platforms suggested that they are not really trying to sway the undecided (or the decidedly fed up) voters. They are trying to impress teachers, police, people in the supposed Ring of Fire, small and insignificant groups...look at their platform again and tell me how much of anything actually mattered to you and I? All the talk about GTA subway infrastructure is to impress GTA population...which is why Liberals won...but did they actually care too much about people outside of GTA where such issue is irrelevant? Are there any province wide initiatives that really does make sense and matters to all? Yeah, PC promised you 10% tax cuts and a balanced budget by 2015-2016...I'm sure that math works...take away revenue, cut government jobs (when people don't work, they can't pay taxes), curb deficit...right...real smart...don't get me started with their promise of 1 million jobs over 8 years...in an area of Ontario that not many people live in...in an industry that damages our resources...while they say there are still 1 million unemployed. I don't care for 8 year plan since I want to see what you can do during your term, not promise me something that you may do if you were voted into office again 4 years later. I'll worry about 4 years later when it gets there...I want to know what you can do now...
They just want to be voted in as a majority government to have free reign to do what they want. Why would anyone willingly give them that power? When you decline your votes, you let others decide for you...and in this case, you let others decided a Liberal majority for you.
Voting for the PC candidate is not pointless in my case. I CHOSE who I liked...at the end of the day, I exercised my right to CHOOSE and made an educated choice. It's better that I actually chose for someone to represent me locally, regardless if the candidate was ultimate successful or not. Throwing away a vote meant there is absolutely no data on what voters actually think about local candidates.
But if you only decided to decline your vote because you're worried about the leaders and the ruling party, then you have completely forgotten about candidates that represent your riding and the need for representation of your riding in the government. And this is the flaw in the system that I see. I cannot vote for a good candidate for local representation without influencing provincial or federal level party selection, or the provincial or federal leader selection. They are tied into one at the moment. I should have the ability to select a riding candidate regardless of their party affiliation, I should be able to selection a ruling party based on their platform, and I should be able to select a Premier to represent the province or a Prime Minister to represent the country without affiliation with the parties. Because often, I may like an MP but I can completely dislike his/her party, and I can like a party's platform but hate the leader.