Dry Lake - Haldimand

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Active Member
Jul 22, 2013
So I went fishing at this dry lake place (found on the Internet) it said it was public I go there had fun rly nice spots around there. When I get back to my car I find the "owner" sitting there saying we can't fish there.
I forgot to ask permission to do so, does anyone kno where he lives or his phone number to ask of his permission to use his land for fishing.
He seemed like a good guy n wouldn't mind if we used it after I talked to him for a bit. I just totally forgot to even ask... Thanks

ALSO, has anyone tried fishing there? Share your experiences here!

Thanks, Dane
Not familiar with the lake... all I could suggest is drive around looking for his place and knock on the door. Most of the time people have no problems with you fishing their property providing you are respectful, to sweeten the deal offer some help ( a couple hours moving some wood from one side of the yard to another ) or a bottle of wine. Best of luck.
Yeah that's what I was going to do.
Thanks for the help. I recommend you guys check it out, it's a nice place where monsters lurk!
So, is it public or not? If it's public then there isn't really an 'owner', and anyone claiming to be, and telling you that you cannot fish, is breaking the law.
i don't know if its public, it said it was online but who knows. I think he owns the land around it
Hmm, I had no idea this lake was even fish able, thought it was pretty shallow. What fish were in there ?
Most of the time people have no problems with you fishing their property providing you are respectful, to sweeten the deal offer some help ( a couple hours moving some wood from one side of the yard to another ) or a bottle of wine.
jonnblaze said:
Most of the time people have no problems with you fishing their property providing you are respectful, to sweeten the deal offer some help ( a couple hours moving some wood from one side of the yard to another ) or a bottle of wine.
I think I read that exact sentence in an earlier post...
Most of the time people have no problems with you fishing their property providing you are respectful, to sweeten the deal offer some help ( a couple hours moving some wood from one side of the yard to another ) or a bottle of wine.
Now that's creative.

P.S. Did you quote dozer and take away the [quote name="dozer" :smile: