***Early August Salmon Run Confirmed***

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BowSlayer said:
lmao did you try the little pieces of Styrofoam on trebles? We hammered them last night on them big trebles were key as you stated!
trebles + styrofoam + 3ft depth of water = if you can't "catch" a salmon, better look for another hobby....
goodentight said:
that is how I would have painted them pump. I have a blue/ white and a green/ white (among other patterns) of J13s but the ones with white have colored tops and white underbellies.

Last night was another miss fire and with these next few hot days strung together, I don't think much will be going on pier side. Theyre close, but will back off in this heat
gt did you manage to check out the area i told you? I wasn't able to make it yesterday and just fought some bass at frenchman's.
Dillybar, yeah we went out but not where you said, just where I told you we go.

Ah. North winds today will help flip the lake. Maybe Ill go waste away another evening tonight.
goodentight said:
Dillybar, yeah we went out but not where you said, just where I told you we go.

Ah. North winds today will help flip the lake. Maybe Ill go waste away another evening tonight.
I feel like that most of the time at home when doing nothing...but the thought of fighting a monster be it...bass, pike, salmon, steel etc...is just too strong to resist.
how do you charge your spoons? We were messing around with flashlights last night and it sucked. I am going to go buy one of those rapala glow boxes I think
any half decent mini UV flashlight will charge your glow spoons more than you need it to. Especially the moonshine lures, 1-2 seconds of exposure to the UV light and you can see your spoon 100' away in the water.
goodentight said:
how do you charge your spoons? We were messing around with flashlights last night and it sucked. I am going to go buy one of those rapala glow boxes I think
I have just tested three glow lures: blue-white Little Cleo, green-white Gibbs and red-white 'More Silda'. I was test charging them with a regular LED headlamp. 9 led lights running off of 3 AAA batteries.

I did a test for maximum glow and glow retention. Each time, lure received a bit over 5 seconds of light.

Little cleo had brightest initial shine, followed by MoreSilda and then GIbbs. MoreSilda looked the most natural whereas Little Cleo looked like a radioactive fish. Gibbs lure was dim, but it was good enough. All lures were visible in pitch dark from 40 feet. Little Cleo was probably visible from the other side of the street :)

Now, glow retention -
Gibbs lost glow the fastest. At around 3 minutes it was visible, but just barely. Little Cleo lost glow second fastest as it began at the highest peak initial glow, although it was still visible after 7 minutes. MoreSilda retained the some glow the longest and seemed rate of loss was more-less constant.

Verdict, in murky water I will probably go with Cleo or MoreSilda. In clear water, any three will do. No idea if it helps, but that's my anecdotal evidence :)
Here's the GITD paint that I ordered off amazon.ca...


It glows bright and last long if you charge it properly.

When I took the pic, it was just charged from natural sunlight when I was painting.
wont water based paint wash off in the water? I think you need to use some sort of sealer to create a layer of protection.
it's all about prep and what sheen. Make sure the metal you're putting it on is not smooth or shiny. if it is, sand it first. make it rough. apply exterior primer before you put your glow paint. if you can grab hold of hi-gloss glow paint. you don't need to seal this with outdoor transparent sealer. if not look for marine 2 part clear epoxy. like i said, no matter how you protect the paint, it will come off eventually because of wear and tear (bumping thru rocks, logs, bitemarks) it's just up to you if you think it's worth it to protect your paint.
Thanks guys for the feedback... I had no clue.
pump looking forward to seeing some great vids and pics from your venture on the glow in the dark. I will wait for last week of august till i start chucking spoons on Lake O. I'm not over bass and pike yet.
I'm still trying to fish for bass and I still haven't had luck yet for pike.
And I heard the bass and pike bite is best in the fall?

I'm not ready for salmon season.

I still wanna target carp on the fly too.
I need to go buy a camera flash but its hard to find one for less than 30 bucks (Sail).

I want more than just a cheap flash light.
@goodentight I bought a UV flashlight for around $5 and honestly it works great. Charges much quicker than a regular light, and fits easily in your pocket.
goodentight said:
I need to go buy a camera flash but its hard to find one for less than 30 bucks (Sail).

I want more than just a cheap flash light.
Go to any camera store (that still develops film) and see if they have any disposible film camera shells. You can often salvage those and use the flash to charge the glow spoons...and most of the time, the guys behind the counter will just give them to you for free since they are destined to be recycled or garbage anyways.

I shy away from those UV light products. UV light causes skin cancer. Why would I want to expose my hand to it over and over again on purpose?

*Yes, I know not all wavelengths of UV light has the same degree of DNA damaging effects...my current study IS the effects of radiation-induced DNA damage to cells and the resulting genetic instability (ie, mutations). But most UV light generating sources still produce the damaging wavelengths of UV...albeit at lower intensities...but it is still there...
I'm still trying to fish for bass and I still haven't had luck yet for pike.
And I heard the bass and pike bite is best in the fall?

I'm not ready for salmon season.

I still wanna target carp on the fly too.
Well, you better get ready. You have a peak period of 2 weeks. Missed it...and you'll have to wait a year for it.

Bass and pike can be fished all the way into late November...don't waste time on them when salmon from the piers are available. It's just not worth your time.
Changing this up a bit, you guys should as FrequentFlyer about his catch at the pier last night! PB for weight thats for sure! I thought he was going to snap his rod!

This beast had so much power he had to chase it down the pier!!
plenty of time to catch pike. all the way to ice then ice out (my favorite time to catch them).
goodentight said:
Changing this up a bit, you guys should as FrequentFlyer about his catch at the pier last night! PB for weight thats for sure! I thought he was going to snap his rod!

This beast had so much power he had to chase it down the pier!!