Early season Salmon

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darn lotta nooks, was that pool all to your self :smile: there are only 2 places that i know have those fish in but i do not feel leik drivin almost 2 hours just to hook a darn chinny lol. Now if that was loaded with steelhead i'd be thinking different lol
whoa that's alot fish in one area.
you guys just looking in the wrong places ;)

ohh u lucky boy :grin: i havent hit any real rivers since last spring, had a little pier action thats about it. Hopefully tomorrow i get into some fish

Wonder why someone gave your post a thumbs down lol

Looks like L2P knows how to enjoy the fresh run salmon. It's a full body workout I tells ya. Like having 5 steelies on the end of your line all at once. If only they looked a little prettier in the rivers. Some of the really fresh ones still have some shine.
i think i have a good idea of who it was but w/e. Yeah last year i had a blast with them this year the run is happening a little slower down here. But i got nothing but time :grin:
I might give piers one last try tomorrow night. The fight is awesome compared to the fight in the rivers where they are already exhausted from traveling far up streams.
Was there last night, the jazz festival cleared out, we moved in. 3 hrs in, my buddy lost one(newb mistake). Hour later, I tagged a runner, on my line for ten minutes, the spit me, but after closer investigation, I saw my #10 was compromised!!! He straightened it out!! El cheapo hook!
Anyhow, an hour later, I was into another, but was spit out this time again. I haven't been down to PC for prolly 5-6 yrs, but definitely got the RUSH again! We'll be down there next wknd again! FISH ON!