early spring lake o trolling

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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2012
me and a buddy braved some cold temps last week and took his boat out on lake o for some spring chrome and brownies. this was my first time targeting these fish in the lake or downrigging at all so i didnt know what to expect especially so early in the year. we dunked the boat in the lake and off we went looking for warmer water. warmest we found was 42F so we trolled around there with some good action for about 3 hours until the easterly winds picked up and made boat control a little harder so we called it a day. when it was all said and done we had hauled 4 fish to the boat and had one more miss on one of the riggers.


im not gonna post the pic of the last brown we got as it will "burn" a local shore fishing spot lol thats how shallow these fish were it was very unexpected for a first timer on lady o but hey you gotta fish where the fish are lol

Not only do you guys "clean up" at Bronte you clean up in Lake O as well.
Too cold for the competition to be out on the lake that day!
Way to go reds. Nice I'm thinking of hitting the o myself for some early trolling especially with these warm temps. Hope I get a brown as well😄
Way to go reds. Nice I'm thinking of hitting the o myself for some early trolling especially with these warm temps. Hope I get a brown as well
thanks! if you need some company out there let me know! haha
BackwoodsBassr said:
those look super fresh man must have been a blast.
o yea way better fights than in the tribs for sure!! more room for them to run and they arent tired from running upstream/spawning/already caught lol