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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2010
OK.. So let me set the stage properly.

Last Friday I tripped down to Le Baron on Dundas to pick up some supplies you know a little bit of this and that the usual.

So when I got there they had a no tax sale going on, so it was like heck yeah, I can get some extra stuff that would accounted for the tax…lol J

It’s only when we left my wife turned to me and said she forgot something in the store, and that I should go and drive to the front of the store and pick her up.

No biggie happens to the best of us, but when she got in the car after….. Christmas came early….lol

Little did I know that she was watching me surf the net the last couple of weeks about centerpins especially the Sheffield and the RAW II…

She got me the RAW II for Xmas…J well needless to say I wanted to get that baby all dressed up ASAP.

Figured I’d go to Angling Specialties out on confederation and give them a little sale…

Then Saturday came around and it was like tooo windy to go out, Sunday had things to do leaving Monday free.

Being the last of my 2011 vacation day I wanted to go hit the river and test the new baby out…

Rod 13’4’’ Aventa from Okuma and the Okuma RAW II that should be a good match on 8lb test.

Started off the usual no fish, all good at least I tried out the pin…hahaha

Ended up walking to several pools and give a toss here and there, at the final site I saw this rock barely sticking out of the water and the current just right not to fast but enough to create a back eddy… First toss to close and ended up in front on the rock, thinking it’s ok but I really wanted to hit the back end.

Second toss I made sure it was a little further up river this way I could get into the seam I wanted for the back…

Bingo,,, fish on and it’s off to the races….hahahaha

Landed this beauty… Finally my first bow for this year…. XMAS really came early….View attachment 8848View attachment 8849View attachment 8851
nice fish man congrats for your 1st bow and for you early xmas gift. i already saw you in credit man i dont know if you remember me im the asian guy with bike on erindale :) i remember you :p
Great story, congrats on the bow and the reel. My advice, release the fish, keep the wife.......lol. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! :D
Congrats TB!
-On both the new gear and the beauty of a bow, :smile:

You have a good woman! *thumbsup*
By the bridge? if so yeah i remember you... did you have any luck?
nice fish man congrats for your 1st bow and for you early xmas gift. i already saw you in credit man i dont know if you remember me im the asian guy with bike on erindale :) i remember you :p

By the bridge? if so yeah i remember you... did you have any luck?
nice fish man congrats for your 1st bow and for you early xmas gift. i already saw you in credit man i dont know if you remember me im the asian guy with bike on erindale :) i remember you :p

By the bridge? if so yeah i remember you... did you have any luck?
nice fish man congrats for your 1st bow and for you early xmas gift. i already saw you in credit man i dont know if you remember me im the asian guy with bike on erindale :) i remember you :p

Say hi next time and I'll to the same when i see you.

nice fish man congrats for your 1st bow and for you early xmas gift. i already saw you in credit man i dont know if you remember me im the asian guy with bike on erindale :) i remember you :p
