Eastern Trib Regs

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2011
It seems clear that most of the Eastern tribs are open for salmon and trout south of Hwy #2 until the end of December.

I was advised by a seemingly knowledgable fisherman that lures were not allowed in creeks like Wilmot and Bowmanville. There does not seem to be anything about this in the regs?

Can someone help clarify please.
hay its beef i live in the middle of the eastern tribs and who ever told you this rule is wrong use what you want but dont snag lol good luck and tight lines
hay its beef i live in the middle of the eastern tribs and who ever told you this rule is wrong use what you want but dont snag lol good luck and tight lines
Thanks Beef..case closed.

Clarity of regs is always good..clarity of water not neccessarily.
yes its always good to no your rules and boundries hay send me a pm maybe we can wet a line soon im gonna call grubman and see if he wants to go out this week after the rain i was out today and did well when my wife gets home im gonna post some pics i dont know how lol
It seems clear that most of the Eastern tribs are open for salmon and trout south of Hwy #2 until the end of December.

I was advised by a seemingly knowledgable fisherman that lures were not allowed in creeks like Wilmot and Bowmanville. There does not seem to be anything about this in the regs?

Can someone help clarify please.

Like everyone else says, I have never heard of it. I do recall you can't never use a single treble hook no matter what bait, you'll get accused of snagging and fined. As Mepps said trebles only ok on lures, just not tied directly to your line.

Some regions require barbless but for the tribs you're ok with regular hooks.

Beef, I hope the rain stops soon, then we can meet up.
As always better safe than fined.
Like everyone else says, I have never heard of it. I do recall you can't never use a single treble hook no matter what bait, you'll get accused of snagging and fined. As Mepps said trebles only ok on lures, just not tied directly to your line.

Some regions require barbless but for the tribs you're ok with regular hooks.

Beef, I hope the rain stops soon, then we can meet up.
As always better safe than fined.

You are TECHNICALLY ALLOWED to use up to (4) hooks as per the regulations.
That includes Trebles.


You want to talk about GREY AREA, this sure is one.

-Just like "Milking"
-Just like Out of Season Catches
-Just like "consuption"
-Just like ...... it goes on and on

Gives one a Headache

At the end of the day, if your doing the "Right Thing" (fishing ethically, following the rules, being a "Nice Guy") there should be no problems.
"IF" a CO does give you a fine for something you were doing legitamately .... then FIGHT IT!

Not a coicendence that .... this does not happen much.

UPDATE: I was trying to make the point of: "Letter of the Law (Reg) Vs. Actual EnForcement
ie: Just take the Prositution & Marijuana situation as an example

not too mention: "Inside Trading", Using electronic devices while driving, downloading off the internet ..... etc etc etc.