There was a good study and publication that came out just a few years ago (2009 - still very relative):
*Lake Ontario is the WORST - due to it being the final "basket" of all the Great Lakes
Lake Trout, Chinook Salmon and Carp are rated the
highest in Contamination
2009 Update on Pollution in Great Lakes Fish
Lake Ontario
The Lake Ontario basin is the most populated Great Lakes basin on the Canadian side of the lakes. The smallest Great Lake by total land drainage basin area (64,000 km2) and surface area, Lake Ontario has a relatively short retention period (six years). The vast majority of the water flowing into Lake Ontario comes from Lake Erie, with a small amount contributed by the basin tributaries. Lake Ontario is the final destination for water and contaminants as they exit the Great Lakes system through the St. Lawrence River. It is therefore strongly affected by upstream activities in the other Great Lakes.
Of the four lakes studied, the most severe fish advisories were found in Lake Ontario, including “zero consumption†advisories for large fish of almost every species, in every study region. Out of the 45 fish advisories examined on Lake Ontario, 34 had no change, and 40% of total fish advisories were for zero consumption. Between 2007 and 2009, six advisories became less severe, while four became more severe. However, from 2005 to 2009, increases and decreases in advisory limits were roughly even. The main constant is the extreme restrictiveness of the advisories, indicating high levels of contaminants.
Alarmingly, Lake Ontario “zero consumption†advisories are no longer reserved for the largest fish. Lake Trout, Chinook Salmon, and Carp have particularly strict advisories against their consumption, even for medium-sized fish. The Ontario Ministry of the Environment attributes the contamination mainly to dioxins and furans, with the exception of Walleye and Pike. For these two species, mercury was generally the consumption-limiting contaminant.
* I myself have only eaten about (3) fish in the past 5 years from Lake Ontario (1 Med Brown trout, 1 Steelie, and a Pike)
I have 2 eyes still... 10 fingers and 10 toes