Fall Run byTodd Moen

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azp said:
word. Solitude is invaluable. Teamwork does have its days.
I agree with you guys, Im a loner when it comes to fishing normally.

Generally, I am not a people person, so maybe thats why I enjoy a little alone time on the water
its one thing to have solitude on water you are comfortable with but id never go into deep bush/rugged terrain alone. its just irresponsible if anything happens..
especially in bear country ;) or where people hunt.

also i cant even count how many times having a friend with me was the difference between landing and losing a big fish.

but i admit, i do occasionally enjoy being alone, sparking one, and enjoying the sounds/sights/scents without anyone there to interrupt the bliss
however ive done that for many years. these days i find fishing is just more productive and enjoyable when shared with someone.

i guess alone or with a friend both have their place
Great video, thanks for sharing.
I prefer to fish with friends, but if no one is around to join I will go solo as I enjoy fishing, a friend is complement to fishing not requirement. my 2 cents