Location: Guelph
Gear: 6 foot medium action rod, 20lb braid, 42g egg weight, yellow buoyant corn, live full worm attached to T swivel. Bank sticks as rod holder with bite alarm. Huge net, can of beer.
May 24, 3pm before the storm I headed to the nest, never seen so many carp pike and bass in a day, only targeting carp, no pike lures, and of course the bass are oos..was this a sign? No...I waited 4 hours targeting a few dozen carp in front of me with no luck.. Talk about disappointing..with my wife and newborn napping I knew this was huge opportunity gone. I missed a few takes but I think those were just bumps in the line so I packed up at 7pm with my wife saying encouragingly "maybe it won't rain tomorrow"
May 25, 120pm humid as hell I am back at the nest. I have posted before my style of carpin..worm on a hook pre set with a pop up device. Normally cut cork from wine corks, but this time fancy yellow buoyant corn attached to a T swivel that has a egg shape weight, I believe 42g. This time I target the nest from across the river thinking these slick sneaky carp won't detect my stealth op..not 5 mins in I land this 11.5lb 29 inch bar of gold.

Not 5 mins after the second cast I land this 12.5lb 29 inch..

Then a 3rd started to scream off on the 3rd cast 12lb 29 inch ..unbelievable..man was the wife right...aren't they always

Now I'm getting greedy, maybe they can tell..I thought I missed take 4, 5, and 6 but I guess the cats wanted to play too..

Ugh I can't stand these guys but was exciting non the less...I noticed I caught them a few more feet from the nest of carp but hell here comes #4..

This last one was 11 inches so I'd guess the others wee between that and 8 inches.
Never have I ever while carpin have I used an entire can of worms successfully so I throw the last one on...missed a huge take, reel it in and still have a half mangled worm on the hook. Gave it one last cast and hallelujah 12lb 28 inches sealed the best fishing day for carp in my career.

Normally my luck is 1 maybe 2 per session but that day it all aligned..
So far this season my biggest has been this 27lb 36inch beast caught late april...forgive the pic I was alone on a rocky shore..

The scene

Gear: 6 foot medium action rod, 20lb braid, 42g egg weight, yellow buoyant corn, live full worm attached to T swivel. Bank sticks as rod holder with bite alarm. Huge net, can of beer.
May 24, 3pm before the storm I headed to the nest, never seen so many carp pike and bass in a day, only targeting carp, no pike lures, and of course the bass are oos..was this a sign? No...I waited 4 hours targeting a few dozen carp in front of me with no luck.. Talk about disappointing..with my wife and newborn napping I knew this was huge opportunity gone. I missed a few takes but I think those were just bumps in the line so I packed up at 7pm with my wife saying encouragingly "maybe it won't rain tomorrow"
May 25, 120pm humid as hell I am back at the nest. I have posted before my style of carpin..worm on a hook pre set with a pop up device. Normally cut cork from wine corks, but this time fancy yellow buoyant corn attached to a T swivel that has a egg shape weight, I believe 42g. This time I target the nest from across the river thinking these slick sneaky carp won't detect my stealth op..not 5 mins in I land this 11.5lb 29 inch bar of gold.

Not 5 mins after the second cast I land this 12.5lb 29 inch..

Then a 3rd started to scream off on the 3rd cast 12lb 29 inch ..unbelievable..man was the wife right...aren't they always

Now I'm getting greedy, maybe they can tell..I thought I missed take 4, 5, and 6 but I guess the cats wanted to play too..

Ugh I can't stand these guys but was exciting non the less...I noticed I caught them a few more feet from the nest of carp but hell here comes #4..

This last one was 11 inches so I'd guess the others wee between that and 8 inches.
Never have I ever while carpin have I used an entire can of worms successfully so I throw the last one on...missed a huge take, reel it in and still have a half mangled worm on the hook. Gave it one last cast and hallelujah 12lb 28 inches sealed the best fishing day for carp in my career.

Normally my luck is 1 maybe 2 per session but that day it all aligned..
So far this season my biggest has been this 27lb 36inch beast caught late april...forgive the pic I was alone on a rocky shore..

The scene