Finally got one!!

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WOW this post went Nice fish. congrats on your first steelhead, Graham Man that is one nice looking brown.

ALSO Glad everyone thinks nets are good.....keep it up
have to side with ninja on this one fish belong in the water and not on the ground. also i think you should show a little more respect to your KP than to lay it in the mud beside a flopping fish i wouldnt even do that with my 50 dollar sheffield! but who am i to say whats right and wrong i gill sweep many of my fish or just break the leader when the fight is over.
Nice catch!

The big thing here is the OP too the criticism well, and learned from his mistakes. It happens. As long as it's not intentional, and a continued behavior, I have no issues with this picture.

I've been fishing my whole life and I had a good fish flop on me today, I lost my grip with one hand and caught it in an akward position near the gills. It sucks, but it does happen. The fish swam away as if it was never caught, and I hope I did no damage.

Anyhow, learn and apply what you learned next time (as it looks like you did).
I honestly think I cast few hundred times, walked more than 20 hours and spend few hundred dollars for my car gas before I got to catch just one.
Couldn't resist but to go steelheading one more time.
So around 6 am again today, I went to one of the east trib. (I went to almost all the east tribs during my learning period)
Casts about an hour and YES AGAIN!! Set the hook. Got my second one in last to two trips.
Released both of them.
Posting this just to give thanks to you guys guiding me to the right direction.

Success is well deserved! congratulations!

I'm currently experiencing this steep learning curve lol.
Had to check out loading pics through facebook pic URL, it actually works!

Take this picture for instance. Caught this one and pulled it into the shallows. I set my rod on a nice angle on the rocks and picked up the Hen to place beside the reel. I gently put her down and after I put her down I held on for a few seconds to make sure she didnt thrash around and hurt herself. she managed to get away from my grip for a brief second and roll over onto her stomach, Rather than clean her off I just put her back on her side and snapped a quick pic. I really dont think she was out of the water for much longer than you see when people pull the fish out of the water and have their friend take the pic. Nothing wrong with that if you ask me and im sure others would agree.
Had to check out loading pics through facebook pic URL, it actually works!

Awesome fish. And you can insert the image into the post by using
around the url, or just clicking the "image" button in the compose reply window.
