first post, steelie pics

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Conservation is one thing, but the whole idea behind it is so there is a put and take industry. Believe me boys, the more people are spending on gear and there licenses, as well as fuel, the better our fishery will get. A lot of people fish for the table, you lake O boys have no idea about the slaughter fests that happen at almost all our gb and Huron tribs. Just ask Cronzy, that fat dude will eat anything and everything, and him and his son make the lake Huron Georgian bay fishery a hell of a lot better.

Anyways beauty fish budd. Keep them if you want to keep them. Some of us hit 10 or more fish a day, and let all them go, some of us get skunked in 10 outtings, there is a balance point, and our steelhead fishery is amazing to say the least, keeping a few won't hurt it, I dont like too, but i dont judge anyone who does.

Nado, you feel like fishing boxing day??? I got a couple of friends who dont do to great fishing steel and I want to help them get some and would love another guy there who has an idea of what's up, and can hit fish when I don't.
not boxing day but later in the week im down, PM sent. I warn you though I am a bad luck charm the past few weeks. Skunked last week on the notty and yesterday on an Erie trib.
my bad, i fish the lower niagara which is 5 until 2013. didnt realize tribs are different
You guys ripping on this kid for being perfectly legal are clowns. I lose so much respect for you "pros" "guides" "elites" "mentors" etc... When you instantly rip into a kid like this with no positivity or constructive criticism. Absolutely brutal. It's a shame to read some of the responses in here.

It is what it is. Looks legit to me. Merry christmas dude and good fishin!
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