First Steelhead EVER

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Active Member
Aug 29, 2012
Finally got hooked up with a pretty good steelhead! 7 lbs 26" long. Yahoo!! After a few fishless days <_< i finally managed to land and release this beauty! 228146_3385216843012_1971896039_n.jpg

Guess i should have done something about the picture to make it, less obvious about where i was . . .
Steel! GJ Man!

Ninja Edit: And it's nice to see people smiling in fish pics :grin:
Have the steelhead entered any tribs like oshawa or duffins yet that anyone has noticed? Ive heard theyve started running in port hope and other tribs out east, but i like to stick to local rivers. Any insight would be great! Still waiting for my first Steely!
Sweet fish...

Looks like the "torpedo" type of steely:

- Crazy fast darts up and down stream
- series of 5 consecutive 3foot jumps right at hookup
- at least 2 false landings

Nice starter!
Thanks for the congrats everyone! Was defiantly super excited! Cannot wait to get more, and on the fly!