Fish and their Open Season(s)

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May 5, 2010
Hey fellas,

Let's say I fish a body of water that has a small population of a particular species that IS in season, while other species are abundant, but NOT in season. How do I prove that I'm not fishing for the out-of-season fish, if they can both be caught using the same tackle? It would be strictly catch and release. How forgiving would a Conservation Officer be in that situation? They'd just assume I'm fishing for out-of-season fish, isn't he/she?

Is it worth the aggravation, or should I just wait until more fish come into season?

I have new gear that I'm dieing to try out. I'm hoping you guys can give me advice.

hi, try to be more specific.
if you are using worm under float and catch random oos bass, while catching sunfish or perch. no big deal.
but if you are using buzz baits or 6" senkos thats different story. cause they are made specifically for bass.
some lures are made for certain fish species, so if you are just starting out better ask around.
Will you get the fine or not a lot depends on the CO.
Specifically, I'm looking at the Conestogo River, in the Grand River Watershed.
There's Panfish available. But other than the carp, for which I have no desire to catch, the rest of the fish are out of season.
From what I think I know, smaller Walleye and Smallmouth may be inclined to take the same bait as the one I'd use for Panfish. Panfish being a general term for yellow perch, sunfish, and crappie - I believe.

If I brought a very small tackle box with only a few little jig heads and the "teenie" Mr. Twisters, would I be alright? Or should I use something smaller? Berkley has these...

TragicMagic said:
Specifically, I'm looking at the Conestogo River, in the Grand River Watershed.
There's Panfish available. But other than the carp, for which I have no desire to catch, the rest of the fish are out of season.
From what I think I know, smaller Walleye and Smallmouth may be inclined to take the same bait as the one I'd use for Panfish. Panfish being a general term for yellow perch, sunfish, and crappie - I believe.

If I brought a very small tackle box with only a few little jig heads and the "teenie" Mr. Twisters, would I be alright?


i don't see a problem. smaller than 2in tubes and twister tails are made for panfish.
good luck
Unless you are fishing for the table give the carp a chance!
Its like hooking up a freight train!..the odd time a wet blanket.
But carp are a blast for sure!!
As pathetic as this sounds, some fish still gross me out. :oops: Carp is definitely one of them. But I shouldn't be so closed minded.

What are a few good methods for landing carp?
TragicMagic said:
As pathetic as this sounds, some fish still gross me out. :oops: Carp is definitely one of them. But I shouldn't be so closed minded.

What are a few good methods for landing carp?

pinch one ounce sinker to your line about 18" above your hook. put some corn on the hook and hold on to your rod.
if you want to increase your hookups use the hair rig and 4 pellets of corn.
i'm sure you wont have a problem to find out what is hair rig on google.
as disspatcher said, carps are a lot of fun to catch.
Of course I have various sizes of lead split-shot sinkers in my tackle box. But the fishing regulations state, and I quote, "Lead sinkers and Jigs - It is illegal to use or possess lead fishing sinkers or jigs in Canada's national parks and wildlife areas. Further information is available at"

Reading a little more about the subject, I wasn't aware that these little things were so destructive. In fact, I'm going to find an alternative to the lead weights.
The jig heads may be a harder thing to find a replacement for.

If the law states that this stuff is illegal, than why are retailers allowed to sell it. It's like saying you can buy crack, but you definitely can't use it.
there are lead-free sinkers that you can use sold at canadian tire and even walmart. as well as lead-free jigheads, you won't have much to choose from though. but you can always use texas rig with alloy beads or alloy bullet sinkers.
and if you will add a plastic bead to the combination above the effect will be better than regular jighead.
good luck
efka said:
TragicMagic said:
As pathetic as this sounds, some fish still gross me out. :oops: Carp is definitely one of them. But I shouldn't be so closed minded.

What are a few good methods for landing carp?

pinch one ounce sinker to your line about 18" above your hook. put some corn on the hook and hold on to your rod.
if you want to increase your hookups use the hair rig and 4 pellets of corn.
i'm sure you wont have a problem to find out what is hair rig on google.
as disspatcher said, carps are a lot of fun to catch.

Hey efka, do you know what I can use as a hair stop?
Mykester, you can buy special ones,
for me doesn't really matter what it is, i even used small pieces of grass one time.
but i usually use plastic pieces 1/4" long, i use the price tag loop locks.