I've looked into all those different colored bulbs, they are all marketing BS. Bugs see all the lights and into the UV spectrum. No color repells them. The only way a light bulb is going to keep bugs away from you is if you put the light 50 down river, The bugs will go to the light and not bother with you.......lol.
Since mosquitos love your sweet blood there's a couple of things you can do, insect repellent with DEET is probably the first one you tried. It does not work on everyone, and it makes some sick. Next is fabric softener sheets, tear one sheet in half and put 1/2 in each side pocket. The smell will keep them off for a while. The highest praised one I've heard of is Thermacell. For people like you this might be one of the best options. It's got a pad soaked in repellent and you light it, the heat activates the repellent and keeps the skeeters away. I've heard from others like you that this is the only thing that works.
CT used to sell lights that are suppose to attract fish. What it actually does is attract phyto-plankton, they draw in the baitfish, which then bring in the gamefish. It's a unfair advantage for the angler, I guess that's why it's now illegal to use.