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Ontario Fishing Forums

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Seriously!....lol...."have the t shirt," so if you don't care for a certain kind of fishing what are you doing commenting on it, maybe to show your "superior knowledge"?,..lol
Troutslayor said:
Seriously!....lol...."have the t shirt," so if you don't care for a certain kind of fishing what are you doing commenting on it, maybe to show your "superior knowledge"?,..lol

go for it hot shot, thread is yours, see if you can back your claims :rolleyes:
You don't care for this style of fishing!...how about you keep your clever insults and cliché s to yourself!..and leave this forum to the people who do care.
Troutslayor said:
You don't care for this style of fishing!...how about you keep your clever insults and cliché s to yourself!..and leave this forum to the people who do care.

Been here for years, not going anywhere anytime soon. This is a fishing forum, not a float fishing forum. if you want that go back to float board.