
Fish ON-Line Interactive Map Tool (MNR)
Frequently Asked Questions About Fish ON-Line
Fish ON-Line Video Tutorial for Anglers
What are the features of the Fish ON-Line tool?
The tool will help you find the following:
- Directions to Ontario's lakes and waterways from anywhere in North America.
- What fish species are available in over 13,000 lakes
- ServiceOntario locations where fishing licences are sold
- Where the province is stocking sport fish
- Lake depth contours for more than 300 lakes.
- Fishing rules and regulations in Ontario
How will the tool help new anglers?
The tool will help new anglers or people new to Ontario plan their fishing trip from start to finish. Using the tool, you can find a ServiceOntario location at which to purchase a fishing licence, and learn which fish species are in lakes near your home or farther away. Information on how to catch Ontario's sport fish and guidelines on eating sport fish are available through the tool as well.
How will the Fish ON-Line tool help experienced anglers?
Experienced anglers can find new fishing destinations by searching lakes they've never fished before, and finding out what species inhabit those lakes. Using the lake depth contours and satellite imagery, anglers can locate potential fishing spots before they get on the water, saving time and helping to catch more fish.
Will you be adding to the tool?
Yes. We will be working to add the following features:
- Additional lakes with fish species information
- Major rivers with fish species information
- Public access points and shoreline fishing opportunities
- Improved links to tourist facilities
- Identifying GPS co-ordinates for desired locations on the map
- Private fishing licence issuers
- Fish sanctuary locations
Be sure to check back frequently as the ministry will continue to improve the tool, how it works and what information is available.
Will I be able to make suggestions for improvements to the tool?
Yes. You are invited to provide comments and suggestions for future improvements. You can provide comments or suggestions by clicking the "contact us" button at the top of the page or by phoning 1-800-667-1940 or by TTY at 1-866-686-6072.
Why isn't my favourite lake in the tool?
With more than 250,000 lakes in the province, the ministry does not have information for many of the water bodies. This could be because ministry crews have not surveyed the lake. Check back often as more information will be added.
How many lakes does MNR stock and are they all shown in this tool?
More than eight million fish are raised for stocking and put into up to 1,500 lakes every year. The tool shows anglers which lakes are being stocked for recreational fishing in the province, but other lakes are stocked for rehabilitation or introduction of species.
Do you show access points to lakes?
Access points are not currently part of the tool, but adding public access points will be a priority in the future. For Crown land access to water bodies, please visit the Crown Land Use Policy Atlas at http://crownlandusea....mnr.gov.on.ca/