Fish or not to fish

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As an old timer told me matter how good of an angler you are. A beginner will out fish you if he's in the water and you're at home.
Just go out and fish. Better to be out than be at home. Even though the house could use a clean.... :mrgreen:

Toonie sized bags marinated in even more egg juice was the ticket to getting a few in the mud yesterday...
I flew to fish for steelhead last spring on terrible weather and water conditions. Many people cancelled their trip because the river that normally runs at 360 csf was over 1700 csf. We fished hard and it wasn't easy but we had an epic trip with a river void of anyone else. As mentioned before......go fish.
A friend of mine always tells me you have to do the time to get the when he catches and I don't this is what i hear from him - when I started getting hooked to this awesome hobby. What else takes you out doors gets to enjoy a fight and then release them without harm to live another if u r able go fish and be responsible and think of the future
agreed, going up to a huron trib tomorrow AM, i think the rivers are quite high (benmiller).. I suppose bottom bouncing would be best? And someone suggested spoons/lures as well. I'll give that shot. I hope we land something, just one fight would be nice.

Can anyone suggest/show a good effective bottom bouncing method for Maitland? I've never done it before. Thanks!
xxxSIBxxx said:
I'm going to a huron trib tomorrow as well but i don't tell ppl where im going............
did I tell? :oops: well i'll be trying my luck tomorrow, seems like the rivers are crazy high and flowing fast/rising.