fishermans rights

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[quote name="Pedro] amazed at how much you know.

I would just keep my lure in front of the fish until one successfully grabs it, but half the other fish I was getting into came out of deeper pools. The steelhead you saw in the report came from a 6 foot deep pool. The sun and I were at the right angle lol I kept my distance and got it to smash it. I still haven't seen a fall steelhead in the shallows. All of them are in the deeper slower water....until spring ofcourse :)

There was a big bow under the highway bridge they were doing construction, but the workers booted me out for safety reasons lol

I wish I could experience some of that brown trout fishing that used to be there...[/quote]

How is it any fun to see a fish and put the lure right infront of its mouth and wait for it to bite? To me it's a lot more fun to actually fish when you're not looking right at what you want to catch. Im just curious.
Pedro said:
did you see what the guy did near the end...disgusting!

Its cleaner (& less toxic) than alot of things we buy from the supermarkt! not loaded with hormons, etc
did you see what the guy did near the end...disgusting!


yeah lol, he should get a job or something

fishinguypat said:
give mykster a break he's like 10?

And after the suggestive pms you sent me, there is enough evidence to lock you away for life.
And after the suggestive pms you sent me, there is enough evidence to lock you away for life.

PMs? Easy there, I hope you are not referring to me, that is one disgusting joke if you are.

I sure hope the mods take some action here.
salmotrutta said:
And after the suggestive pms you sent me, there is enough evidence to lock you away for life.

PMs? Easy there, I hope you are not referring to me, that is one disgusting joke if you are.

I sure hope the mods take some action here.

And there you have it, salmontrutta just admitted to being an alt of fishingguypat.
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