Fishing For Resies...whos down?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
Will be going for some resies, brook and browns at my fav creek out east tomorrow around 3 or 4pm. A few weeks ago I got some nice 6inch browns there steady.

anyone down PM me. If that creek is a bust, there are 2 more spots on the way home we can hit.

Brook & browns in 1 creek? hmmm...sounds interesting. Thanks for the invitation. Good luck and looking forward to a good report.
Few hours northwest and I would be down lol

Have fun! good luck
I enjoy the pin action for many species but find the fly rod truly shines on the small creed brown and brookie action.

You should give it a try!
I really want to...but ive got money tied up in my other hobby at the moment. I will buy a fly rod next season
Alright so went out today, very very late because of many things I had to do during my day off.

Got the the creek only at 7pm, had no worms, and only 2 spoons left after they all broke off at the knot when I had fish on.

Regardless, I had tons of hits from tiny rainbow/browns, until landed one. 5 Minutes of fishing my favorite spot I got a hit from a 5lb rainbow!! Only to have my spoon break off RIGHT AT THE KNOT LIKE ALWAYS and all I could see and hear was that bow jumping with that spoon rattling in its mouth.

Left with one spoon, I got the rest of the small fish below....Can someone tell me what species they are? Thanks :)

Will be going out tomorrow with proper gear, hopefully will get more, bigger resident fish. They are jumping at all the hatching flies





Pretty little fishes. On a side note, its always good to pinch your barbs down when fishing for small residents. Just touching them alone will kill them and it cant be too easy removing a treble hook from a fish that size. Cheers.​
Yeah I know, it was my only spoon at the time lol...I completely forgot about crimping the barbs. I usually have a single siwash gamakatsu hook size 6 on these spoons. I would normally toss out the trebles anyways.

On a side note, I only took photos of these ones, the rest caugh I kept in water during release, its hard to take a pic with my S3 while holding a pin and the little fish is in the water :p

Also, is that a bullhead in my second last picture? because it had horn like growth on its head lol...never caught one like that before
fishing89 said:
Yeah I know, it was my only spoon at the time lol...I completely forgot about crimping the barbs. I usually have a single siwash gamakatsu hook size 6 on these spoons. I would normally toss out the trebles anyways.

On a side note, I only took photos of these ones, the rest caugh I kept in water during release, its hard to take a pic with my S3 while holding a pin and the little fish is in the water :p

Also, is that a bullhead in my second last picture? because it had horn like growth on its head lol...never caught one like that before
That looks like a creek chub.
atlantic? Thats I can cross that off my to catch list lol....although...not quite the same haha

Also, I got a ton of same sized fish that had tiny black dots ALLLLL over them, kinda like a sesamie seed bun...what are those?

Thanks for your help guys
fishing89 said:
atlantic? Thats I can cross that off my to catch list lol....although...not quite the same haha

Also, I got a ton of same sized fish that had tiny black dots ALLLLL over them, kinda like a sesamie seed bun...what are those?

Thanks for your help guys
Those would most likely be Blacknose Dace
hmm interesting, that creek has like every species! Thanks for the info driftman

im surprised to see atlantics have even made it there to spawn, thats CRAZY!
fishing89 said:
hmm interesting, that creek has like every species! Thanks for the info driftman

im surprised to see atlantics have even made it there to spawn, thats CRAZY!
Atlantics get stocked annually in a number of Lake O tributaries
fishing89 said:
hmm interesting, that creek has like every species! Thanks for the info driftman

im surprised to see atlantics have even made it there to spawn, thats CRAZY!

What you guys are getting very well may be the ones they just stocked. Down stream of where they stock the rainbow smolts you can see tuns of em swimming around and they can be aggressive and delicate.

Those fish were not spawning size, just babies. The few that return to spawn will be a few pounds.