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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2012
Ok, most areas north are now close. And I still spot some guys soon as I approached, I can see the pool with some half dead I politely asked..."anything"? One dude shakes his head. "Salmons not biting because they're spawning and this is a close section"....Dude: "i'm not going after salmon i'm fishing for suckers"...Me: "well ok I hope that excuse is good enough..." He packed and left.
HAHAHA Better than blank stares or no english at least he had a story.

Wait bait was on his line?
he has a floating chartreuse egg and half a worm. Didn't want to provoke so everything I did was in a polite manner. I guess that kinda made him a bit embarrassed and just left.
It's certainly an aquired skill...Blair sucked at it...try as he may, he fished all the closed tribs hard, and had to settle for skanky steelhead by catch....
The more advanced poachers will actually keep a stringer with a sucker or two on it to make their story plausible. True story.
openfire said:
The more advanced poachers will actually keep a stringer with a sucker or two on it to make their story plausible. True story.
I have definitely seen that on more then one occasion, some times they even look store bought (dead for days) bunch of goobers i say
Funny thing is...these people actually think we believe the excuse. The area is close... but is full of salmon yet they think it's the best day to go "sucker fishing". same goes for steelhead run....
ChaseChrome said:
It's certainly an aquired skill...Blair sucked at it...try as he may, he fished all the closed tribs hard, and had to settle for skanky steelhead by catch....
This is too funny :lol:
OCDComputing said:
Bass is open until Nov 30 - Zone 16
yes still open for bass. my bad. trout and any salmon family is closed. carp open all year in the area...
ChaseChrome said:
It's certainly an aquired skill...Blair sucked at it...try as he may, he fished all the closed tribs hard, and had to settle for skanky steelhead by catch....
A little beneath you !
Up my way the rivers and creeks are closed water after trout closes. The mnr told me its way easier to charge them without having to prove they are fishing for trout.
I remember getting kicked out of kettle creek (Erie) as a youngster. Me and my friend were actually fishing for suckers in march... In a notorious sucker hole. Kettle never had any major trout runs to speak of. Mainly coarse.

Anyway, ministry officer kibosh'd our outing.

Kicked us out without any issue and said that it's not negotiable and it's 100% their discretion.
I saw the opposite today, guy trying hard to catch salmon only to pull out sucker after sucker. Had no idea they were even in that pool I fished here so many times lol
yes still open for bass. my bad. trout and any salmon family is closed. carp open all year in the area...
yes but certain sections of rivers that salmon spawn in are deemed sanctuary at certain points in the year so even if there are species that are open in the river you may not be able to fish