Worms (I don't fish closed water for suckers). I fish for them in open water sometimes in the spring, it's tons of fun when the steel bite is almost non existent.instapump416 said:What bait are you guys using to catch suckers?
Worms (I don't fish closed water for suckers). I fish for them in open water sometimes in the spring, it's tons of fun when the steel bite is almost non existent.instapump416 said:What bait are you guys using to catch suckers?
agree and it's always that excuse that loogans can get away with when they get caught. i mean, it's not hard to spot suckers...and it's not hard to spot 30+ salmons in a river either. funny thing is...if he drives 5 minutes south he can fish legally...w_ boughner said:yes but certain sections of rivers that salmon spawn in are deemed sanctuary at certain points in the year so even if there are species that are open in the river you may not be able to fish
.Pause...Jerk said:agree and it's always that excuse that loogans can get away with when they get caught. i mean, it's not hard to spot suckers...and it's not hard to spot 30+ salmons in a river either. funny thing is...if he drives 5 minutes south he can fish legally...
or be idiots tryingbuck said:you're right pause but it's the criminal mentality.....they have to get away with something
.ChasinTails said:or be idiots trying
well i guess thats my cue to go out for steel finally been fishing everydaybuck said:you got that right