fishing humber bay park

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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
I've been trying there this year as its close to where i live and recently I've been trying to do more shore fishing nearby.. would be nice to catch a fish 15 min from home..

anyway, so far i've been completely stumped here, tried at ice out a few times and so far post spawn twice, using husky jerks and mepps 5 spinners mostly, I haven't even seen a fish.. as opposed to bluffers park where i've gotten a pike this year (after going once).

i fish near the islands and i tried once by the storm water area, anyway im pretty frustrated by this park, gonna try more but any help would be appreciated.. i'm starting to think there are no pike here. (there has to be though)
I threw a mepps black fury and a couple of tube jigs in and around the mouth of the park (lake side) for an hour last Thursday and I too was skunked. I even put on a tiny tube and 1/32oz jig to drop between the big rocks thinking panfish would be there but I got zippola. Didn't even see one following it. I'm thinking about trying again this evening to see if timing is better. I was hoping for a drum, bass or even trout on the old mepps. I'm going to see if I can find some small little cleo's or rattle traps.
Well that was completely uneventful from a catching or even the possibility of catching something perspective. 5 minutes after I set up and am happily casting away a dude comes within 15 feet of me and starts tossing a tennis ball into the water for his golden retriever to fetch. I give him the are you ******* kidding me stare. Nothing he keeps going. So I put on a big spoon and start casting with giant splashes to confuse the dog. A guy behind me asks if I'm having any luck and I reply very loudly IT'S A LITTLE HARD TO CATCH FISH WHEN A ******* THROWS A BALL IN THE WATER BESIDE YOU. Still the 'tard keeps going. After he leaves I give it another 20 minutes but nothing.

On the good side of things I got 2 "any lucks?" Which is good it shows some people are ok with fishing (a spawn from the other thread about people being baffled when seeing people actually fishing). I got 2 smiles from cute girls which is always a bonus. And then theres the old "you're not gonna eat it if you catch anything are ya?". *insert shaking head here*

I'm tempted to try there very early morning, you know, pre golden retriever swim time...
I saw a carp, pike, bass and bluegills by the walkway and nothing bite except for gobys in deeper water.
I was hoping to see more bait fish with the very clear waters.

Im gonna try my luck again and report back
OK, well i spent 2.5 hours at Humber Bay park East, and I have caught stuff.

3 brown bullhead
1 bass
1 chub
20+ sunfish
1 yellow perch

I saw a huge number of bass within the inner ponds. none were big, but there were lots. biggest was probably 1 foot long.
I was after carp, but didnt get one or see one.

Fished within the ponds and along mimico creek
I caught a nice cat there the other day. As well as some smaller ones.
usernamehere said:
OK, well i spent 2.5 hours at Humber Bay park East, and I have caught stuff.

3 brown bullhead
1 bass
1 chub
20+ sunfish
1 yellow perch

I saw a huge number of bass within the inner ponds. none were big, but there were lots. biggest was probably 1 foot long.
I was after carp, but didnt get one or see one.

Fished within the ponds and along mimico creek
Thanks for the update.
What were you using as bait?

Im gonna try my luck this saturday.
instapump416 said:
How deep are the 3 ponds in the middle?
Umm.......none are very deep.

The one closest to Marine Parade Dr (the one with floating walkway) is about a meter or so. But this one leads out into the lake so it gets deeper near the lake.
The inner pond (the one thats enclosed) is also very shallow. Less than a meter I would say, but I only fished near the bridges that crosses the pond.
I didnt fish at the northern-most pond, but looks pretty shallow.