Flies to use on East Rivers in Mid October?

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Sep 13, 2013
I will be visiting from NS in mid October and will be staying in Oakville. Based on what I have been told there will be some salmon around as well as browns and bows.
I am bringing some egg sucking leaches, buggers and nymphs but I also heard egg patterns are productive as well. My question is, should I swing the streamers and fish the egg patterns under an indicator ? Really looking to land my first Salmon and some Ontario Browns and Steel
You've got it. I like to make a 45 upstream and across, dead drift the head of the pool and then tighten up and start swinging the heart and tailout. Very effective with streamers, I like alaskabous, mini truder leechs, small squidros ect... But if you run into some tougher conditions this can be effectively done with a nymph, swinyphing as its affectionately called