Flu / Swine Flu

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Sep 1, 2010
I've been battling the flu this week! I assume that I have H1N1. Yesterday was the worse day so far with on and off fever all day/night, but I think the worse has now passed (crossing fingers). I can't remember the last time I've had the flu prior to this... I haven't really been sick in years up until this week.

Have any of you guys gotten H1N1?
Hope you get better soon :)

President of the company I work for came down to our office for a couple days... I noticed a pretty bad cough coming from him. I didn't think too much of it until I got news that when he returned to Halifax, he went to the doc and was diagnosed as having H1N1. Probably got it while here in Toronto.

Must be cautious at work now :evil:
I did not get it, but my cousin has! She works at Western General in Toronto, and someone there didn't screen the patient properly and the patient was then transfered to my cousin who contracted . She got the vaccine only that morning! Anyway, it only lasted about 3-4 days of tumoltous fever and then she was fine. Cleared by occupational health and safety and totally not contagious anymore.

If you clearly have an insane fever, please go to get checked out ASAP for H1N1. Dont want to scare the crap out of anyone, but it's better safe than sorry. I know a friend who (mind you he did have a pre-existing condition) contracted H1N1 and a rare infection spread into his heart and he is mulling between a pacemaker and a transplant.

It's serious stuff guys, don't be brave and think you can beat it off. Get checked by professionals and take appropraite action.

Get well soon openfire!
Seasonal flu kills between 250,000 and 500,000 people a year. Swine flu deaths are nowhere near this number. And it seems that the average age of death is around 60 while the average age of infection is around 18, so pretty much it's having the same effect as the seasonal flu. And I hate how to media talks about that 13 year old who had swine flu and died. While sick, he played HOCKEY for THREE DAYS STRAIGHT, and died from a HEART ATTACK. If anything, blame the parents for being such idiots. We need a vaccine against stupidity. Also, during the 1976 swine flu outbreak, the vaccine killed more people than the flu itself!
The other thing the people don't think about. During a pandemic, the companies that produce the vaccine don't have to do a QC or QA on it. It is exempt. So, who knows if the vaccine is ok and that you are not going to die from it.
we got our 1 and 3 year olds vaccinated this week. i've seen people going down with it all over, but I just want my kids protected. can't bear the thought of them having fevers and pain at such a young age. you can't explain it to them, which breaks my heart. me and the wife get it.. meh.. I'll take a few days off and play call of duty.
Well, the worst has definitely passed and I'm feeling much better now. I can't comment on the vaccine debate, but I do see both sides of the issue. For what it's worth, at least I know that I'm now immune to this strain of flu without having gotten the vaccine.

If anyone is interested, this is how the flu played out for me:
:) Day 1:Felt drained. Had no idea I was getting the flu...
:( Day 2: Fever hit. Lasted only a couple of hours, then felt fine like nothing had happened.
:p Day 3: Felt fine all day. No symptoms.
:( Day 4: Fever on and off all day. Limited activities.
:) Day 5: Worse day. Fever all day, confined to bed, felt very ill.
:( Day 6: Fever on and off. Not as bad as day 5, more similar to day 4. Also, onset of cough.

:p Day 7: Cough worsened slightly, runny nose, sneezing, headache. No fever.
:evil: Day 8: Felt more energetic than day before. No fever.
:D Day 9: 3rd day of no fever, Feel fine, just a little sneezing, a lingering cough, no big deal. Confidently out of the woods, ready to go fishing!
all those colours making me dizzy
openfire sorry you have been sick
get better... take care you do not get sick again by pushing yourself too hard
but when you are ready...the fish are waiting for you...
i am so busy with work...my boss asked me to work 6 hours on top of my 10 hours already put in...
had planned to fish early morning but now i gotta sleep so i can work effectively later in the afternoon
i am trying so hard to eat ...sleep...stay healthy but everyone is conspiring to get me sick
had norwalk virus years back and it was no fun...was as fun as the week you are having
Glad your feeling better Openfire. There are better things you can take to avoid the H1n1 or any flu, I have never had the flu:) too each his own but I will not take the vaccine and neither will my kids, we almost lost our 4 year old when he was 2 to pneumonia needless to say we learned a lot.

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