FLW Fantasy Fishing!!

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David Kearney

Well-Known Member
May 5, 2008
Hey guys...come on out and set up a team, it`s easy, you don`t hafta know that much about fishing to play...Join, pick a team...they have quick picks if you like, and then Join our league....we have an OFF league going...Yawn and Diggy are already on it...so come out to http://www.fantasyfishing.com/

the join our league call "OFF Champions" league # 15955 and the password is getoff thats it...come on out, lets see how you rank.

also the next tournament is Thursday April 23`rd 2009. Lake Norman, so sign up before than!

c ya there!
Sign up, pick a team from the list of pros who fish the tourneys. U get points for how they do day to day.

Points = prizes
It's well worth it. You never know what you might win. Ron James of Fish TV won close to $10000 a couple of years back.

well i joined your leage, i joined a while ago and never came back, but aparently allready have 1600 points, so...what now?
That sounds pretty cool...Like gambling but with nothing to lose! I plan to join as well.
there is a thing on the site that goes into detail on the point system, i haven't bothered to read it though :cry:
It`s pretty simple...you pick your team of 10 pro`s...they fish a tournament and depending on how they place on a daily basis you get points...they fish for 4 days...on day 3 only the top 10 fish, so hopefully you have some top 10`s in your picks, the better you pick the more points you get...they also have a live weigh in on the tournament days. so you can see how your guys are doing!! I watched the last tourny weigh ins, it was pretty cool! So get onboard, pick your teams and lets rock n roll!