Fresh Sam-On

Ontario Fishing Forums

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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2011
couple nice shiney GB brawlers caught while fishing during a shiesh on da catfishwaters. also a pic of what you will be up against if deciding to fish there.
couple nice shiney GB brawlers caught while fishing during a shiesh on da catfishwaters. also a pic of what you will be up against if deciding to fish there.

nice fish man, but what really got me is the pic of the lil river, dont wanna be rude but where is this place,
I dont wanna know any honey holes, just an idea of where, maybe take a drive one day and check it out.
if its kool and you dont mind sharing, pm me,
thanks man.
and i thought the tangled poopmess pic would deter ppl from asking where. its in a land far far away with not very many fish run probably averages about 2500 fish, however i did see 4 fish shoot the old dam in about ten minutes today, thats a new high for me. trust me if you like catching stay with the 401 tribs, if you can manage a couple fish a day here your doing good.
They're... they're.... so cute :oops: Let that salmon festival begin :cool: Nice catches bud.
Those logs can be a nightmare :shock: Congrats on the fish
those fish from last caught more catfish and perch than salmon over dere this year so far! I took that pic in da bush...I claim copyright infringement! That stretch half hour just to walk in, steep hills too...and lotsa bears...another time I was back in there a nudder hick blastin away at grouse blew the window outta his truck lmfao walk an hour and a half and see a half dozen skittish fish if you're lucky, then walk an hour and a half out and have a heart attack comin outta da valley
I think that first fish the last one you caught at lovering's...3 years sho!
called out by my buddy! never claimed to have caught them this season did i? yup perch and catfish bite has been real good for me so far.
called out by my buddy! never claimed to have caught them this season did i? yup perch and catfish bite has been real good for me so far.

Sheesh! Now that makes more sense. I was surprised when you attributed your 'luck' to a seiche. I didn't think we'd had winds strong enough for long enough lately to create any significant seiche.