Fresh Sam-On

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Double header awesomeness!.. :mrgreen:


-Shameless shot of my R2.. :razz:
The real question is 1. who caught the bigger one and 2. why not enter it into the fall competition? Seems like there isnt much interest on the boad here for the competition...
^I have seen some as well.. Not sure why.. Perhaps someone can chime in to edumacate us :smile:
I'm not sure if it's a coincidence or not, but those yellow males are also the types that hit crankbaits aggressively :shock:
I go through this annually...i get all excited when i see you guys posting pictures and talk about hooking up and then i get discouraged because my absolute best day seems like a not so good Ill keep trying because theres nothing i'd rather be doing but i hope i get some chinnys soon! the nearest river for me is about 1.5 hours on lake huron, maybe i should just trek the extra half hour and hit the credit or something....either way, great fish! thanks for posting pics and reminding me they're out there!
^I have seen some as well.. Not sure why.. Perhaps someone can chime in to edumacate us :smile:
The yellow ting to the fish happens when staging at mouth for good length of time. These fish are still fresh and active just been waiting longer to go upstream. This does not mean the fish has started to decay.
one from tonight, it was pretty shiney when it was alive, fresh spool of ten pound and a 8 lb seaguar leader handled this really hard fighting fishb well on 9,6 fenwick