Friendly reminder about naming rivers.

Ontario Fishing Forums

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Bouts with trouts
Jun 30, 2008
Hey guys,

The season is fast approaching and I'm posting here to give everyone a heads up about forum rules.

  • Naming Rivers: The naming of any specific river or tributary is not permitted in the publicly viewable general discussion forum. Instead, please refer to the river by the general area it is located, ie “East Trib”, “West Trib”, “GB (Georgian Bay) Trib”, etc. For example, you are not allowed to say "I had a great day fishing yesterday on Wilmot Creek", instead, we encourage members to say "I had a great day fishing yesterday on an East Trib". The former statement should be relegated to the reports sections (coming soon), away from public view.
  • Lining Debate: "Lining", "snagging" or "flossing" fish is a hot-button topic that often ruins otherwise productive conversations. In order to keep the general discussion forum clean, helpful and productive, it is the policy of OFF that any and all "lining" conversation/debate be conducted in the "Salmonid Insanity" sub-forum.
  • Forum Etiquette: Simple - Be polite, keep it civil. All personal attacks, insults, inflammatory remarks, threats, racist remarks, trolling and otherwise rude and/or immature behaviour are strictly forbidden and will be met with disciplinary action up to and including permanent banning.
Ontario is home to an amazing salmon/trout fishery. Most of us here have a river where salmonids migrate up within an hours drive. We are lucky to have such a great resource in close proximity - this is a world class fishery. This site has many lurkers, people just looking for information who may not share the same views as you. You may want to be nice and share information with the community which is fantastic, many things we learn come from others experiences, however you probably wouldn't want some idiot to use the information you got and take over your fishing spot or come in and clear out all the fish. There are people like that - probably visited the site ( and the other sites ) today, looking for any freebies they can get. They don't care about community, the resources, they just worry about themselves - they time the run by finding peoples reports and go with that, same goes for any other species. It would be cool to run an experiment, although I dont think it would be wise... I guarantee you 110% that if someone went to a spot one day, took a photo, posted the EXACT location with a couple random pictures of fish and went back the next day, there would be way more guys there, myself included :lol: And who knows whats on their agenda...

I'd hate for some of my spots to get ruined because some moron comes and destroys it... fisherman have a bad rep already for leaving garbage around, I've been confronted on a few occasions where I was treated with a negative rep right off the bat - as a fisherman who leaves all his trash around and other wildlife are affected by it. Its how the uneducated masses tend to think - labeling is part of human nature.

Now I'm starting to ramble - before this goes on with more broken sentences and crappy grammar I'm going to stop :lol:

If you see someone who posts pictures and you have questions about particulars, doesn't hurt to shoot them a PM, there are many great guys on this site who are willing to share / help out, even offer to take other guys out and get into fish. Great friendships have formed because of this site ( better than a dating site :lol: ) because of all the good people here.

There is also tonnes of information in the back pages of this site - use the search feature. Every possible question has been asked and most likely answered, lots of hidden gems to be found.

Blah blah blah I'm doing it again. Lets have a great season and keep things running smoothly.
LOL. Love the dating site one. I was just thinking this morning that the mods will be over this soon.
true as remyboy said were just shy of putting a google map up on our posts hope everyone checks this out before goin fishing

tightlines everyone
I think this should be pinned to the top of each forum. That way any noob can see the rules before they post instead of everyone jumping on them all the time!
The Forum has a bad word filter that can be edited. It would probably only be 20 minutes work to add most the major tribs to this filter. Sure the smaller one may slip through but they are not likely mentioned as often as the majors

So just map
Bronte to display West Trib
Nottawasaga to display GB trib
and so on.

Put an end to 90% of the issues on this subject
WasagaWader said:
The Forum has a bad word filter that can be edited. It would probably only be 20 minutes work to add most the major tribs to this filter. Sure the smaller one may slip through but they are not likely mentioned as often as the majors

So just map
Bronte to display West Trib
Nottawasaga to display GB trib
and so on.

Put an end to 90% of the issues on this subject

the problem comes when you try to pm someone with a river name...since the filters transfer over to pms as well
JMatt1983 said:
the problem comes when you try to pm someone with a river name...since the filters transfer over to pms as well
I believe IPB stores that bad word entered by the user as entered. The filter is applied when content is being displayed. You can assign user groups to bypass the filter but an easy fix would be a simple statement checking for message type and if it is a PM then skip the filter as you would for a user group.

Really depends on how big an issue this is. The solution is there and simple