gas price gouging

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Mr. Bassturd

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2013
Alrighty just as the title suggests once again it is the friday before the long weekend and the gas price jumped from $1.31 midweek to $1.36 a litre on the Friday before the long weekend. Now after I payed for my gas I also asked the attendant if there was a form to file a complaint about this price gouging, he was very hesitant and told me they had no such forms and to contact customer service and so I asked him for the number. While writing the number down for me he made a comment along the lines that I would be the only one to complain about this and that we have no unity in Canada as well that little old me could not make a difference, well I figured I would try and prove him wrong. lets take this as high up the ladder as it needs to go, and finally deal with these legal crooks personally im sick of being told this crap.

So what can you do as an individual to help this cause:

Call and file complaints with every head office and customer service centre for major gas stations such as shell,esso,husky petrocan etc

second there has got to be a bureau that monitors oil and gas prices I will do some research and post such information so that they can be contacted

Third if the first two attempts fall on deaf ears than lets take it to our local mps and politicians and as far up the line as possible yes that even means you Mr. Stephen harper sure a lot of people are going to say there are more important issues but this is a large issue and something that cannot be avoided due to the design and layouts of our cities being so widespread. yes we could all take a bus but that system is far from perfect as well and does not address issues outside the cities core.

so last but not least I appreciate any posts here on this issue however if u really want to do something about this issue, start filing complaints through the proper channels. The more people come together on this issue the better off we will all be and it will be less likely that these major corporations would price gouge us in the future.

Thank you for your time and please stick to the issue and not get sidetracked
Local MP is the way to go on this. This has been such a hot button topic for so long it is not even funny. The politicians need to know that the public is angry about this.
sounds like a plan, but were gonna need a lot of help, gas is so cheap in the states due to almost no taxes
yep I agree with u there wasaga and I realize complaining to the same companys that are raising the prices will probably fall on deaf ears, but I included them
Something worth doing in order to gather some proof would be to query for past fuel prices over the last year or so, and do some data analysis in excel to find if a trend exists between an increase in fuel price, and day of the week.

In all likelihood it does, but data is power :cool: lol
hamiltonangler94 said:
Ya it's to bad about the gas prices...just be thankful we don't have it as bad as the people in Europe
wrong attitude frankly were not in ur Europe this is Canada u cant hop on a bus or train and end up in another country in a few hours
Gas prices suck, I need premium which is about 1.50 a L for 94 octane lol..It's a long weekend they always jack up the prices.
buck said:
Luckily I dont drive too much 50k in the last 2 1/2 years..... I dont think thats a lot

lol more than what i drive....i've put 20k on my truck in 2 years lol although i have like a 7km drive to work
nope Ive put on 130000 km in 3 years

sooo lets see that's 130000 divided by roughly 500km a tank =260 (wow seems like 1000 times)

260 tanks of gas x $70 a tank equals you ready for it boys and girls $18200

u know that's the first time I added all that up and damnnnn add on $5000 a year for insurance that is about what the retail price of my car is! plz shoot me noowwww :mrgreen:

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